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They went to the pub to watch football and Merlin made a grave effort to learn. He had pages of notes which Arthur had at first thought were school-related, but one Sunday when they were having a pint each of bitter and the mustardy fish and chips Merlin liked to eat, Arthur paid attention to what Merlin wrote as he bent his dark head over the paper.
'He has to be in front of the ball if he's offside,' Arthur said, pointing to the smudged splotch where Merlin had outlined the rules. He was warm from the beer, warm enough to put an arm over Merlin's shoulder and take the pen from his fingers and add to the list of offside offences. He liked the smell of Merlin's shirt, rubbing against his as companions might; he was not sharp or sweaty but worn and clean, soapy, comfortable. It was private, that smell, but nothing worrying; it said, Arthur decided, that he washed behind his ears and his sheets were probably always soft.
'I don't think I'll ever get the hang of it,' Merlin said. He tilted his head against Arthur's for one moment that was too long and too short and Arthur saw them suddenly from outside himself, he with his arm around Merlin and in kissing distance, Merlin against him. They shared a breath of recognition, the sweet one that comes when two people are mutually aware of a need for each other. It is often, and was for Arthur, followed immediately by a staunch denial of need on one level while on the level below it, the imagination follows through the mechanics of consummation. Under the flat blanket of no, the fingers of Arthur's mind had already travelled over Merlin's neck and under the grey collar of his jumper, along the line of his shoulder blade where he was no doubt warm and there was space for wandering lips and nose to nuzzle into. On Merlin were many of those corners, and beneath the two levels there was a third level of Arthur that had catalogued the spots of Merlin which were lovable and made sure he fit into them.
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