This was me last night

Jun 29, 2007 09:49

Atmikeoquinn's game last time, I realized something very important. Of my friends, I am in the minority. I didn't really play with Transformers.

There, I said it. I didn't really play with Transformers.

It gets easier the more often I say it.

Aside from Dino-Bots, most Transformers were a little too flimsy for me to transform -- after all you have to hold it, then pull it out and twist it; and remarkably difficult thing to do when you think about. Not only that, but the only friend of mine who played with Transformers (and to my parents approved of) wasmiteman -- and if memory serves, we only played with them together once (that that one time was the time we knocked over bookshelves wrestling at 2 a.m. has nothing to do with it).

If that there are many kids like me. There aren't. And because game for me in my dotage is very much a social occasion, we talked about the Transformers movie (by the way, my dictation program is automatically capitalizing Transformers. It's a vast conspiracy I tell you. A conspiracy). I'm the only one that doesn't have plans to go to this movie -- I even said, that I did not think that the toy was worthy of being a movie.

Conversation stopped, andhormoth (who is a large man) just turned to me, slowly shook his head, and said "this is not a safe place for you right now". I thought it was extremely funny, although given that according to one webcomicthat I read, I surely must not be alone. How many of you plan to attend a screening? Not the first day, but just attend?

And my favorite Transformers geek, the icon we talked about her
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