charitable contributions accepted

Jul 17, 2002 16:35 this past Saturday I went out for the day with my friend Danielle and her sisters and nephew. I had a good time. Her sisters seem nice, and I think we got along well for the most part.

Later that night I went to Playland with some other friends of mine. Of course, we didn't go to 'play'--my friends always complain of being broke, then waste twenty plus dollars drinking. Instead, we went so that a friend on mine can see a girl he works with. We loiter around the "restaurant" area she works at (she had two jobs), and her soon-to-be husband hooks us up with free beers. That was cool. But my friends doesn't know when to quit. None of us wanted to stand around there. She even said, "you know, you can walk around the park with those beers." She was getting married for Christ's sake, and my friend keeps tagging along. Fine, but don't drag three other friends of yours, it looks so pitiful.

I am so sick of that behavior. I can't stand it when friends of mine don't know when to walk away. They make themselves seem desperate. It is a shame. The girl was being nice, of course. But the message was clear: My boyfriend and I are going over here and then leaving...go have fun...elsewhere. But he never gets that message. He hangs around like a fly on shit. I would rather have walked around the park and made fun of all the rides and people and stuff...maybe even go on the Saggin' Dragon Coaster for old-times sake. I swear, my friends can be so difficult...and boring.

Sunday I worked and hung out with a friend watching movies and stuff. Monday I slept all day then went to work. Yesterday I went shopping with a friend of mine in the city. I didn't get much...I have to go back soon. She got a 'toy' and some lingerie and stuff. Women buying underwear is a day-long experience. Today I am going to workout a little earlier so that I can have dinner with a friend at a reasonable hour.

Yeah, and my friend Danielle started getting all upset because I didn't invite her to Playland. She thinks that I haven't been 'trying' anymore. Well, I don't try anymore...if trying means setting myself up for disappointment. I am not asking someone to hang out who, 19 times out of 20, doesn't. Someone who makes plans and has cancelled them as many times as she the last second. She has been trying. She has gotten better. I'm glad for that, because for the first time she has shown me that she really cares. So, should I try again and put forth the effort I used to? I don't think I can. I don't feel the same way about her that I used to. Furthermore, we have very different interests. She mostly goes out to shows...the kind of shows I'd rather get an enima than sit through. We do have a lot in common though, but I don't know anymore. I know her so well, yet not at all. I chatted with her last night, and she couldn't believe that we have only SEEN each other seven times in over two years of friendship. How can we call each other best friends with stats like that. She even said it in her journal that she trusts or talks to her friend Chris more than me or something. I don't know where our friendship is headed. I do know that she means a lot to me, and I guess things have gotten better. Only time will tell, and its not in my nature to be optimistic.

And where has my money gone? I am starting to think it is printed on disappearing paper. I accept donations. Better yet, take me out and treat me like a princess.
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