May 20, 2009 04:40

The day I've been dreading for 4 years has finally arrived. The day I realize I'm at the knife's edge. So my mother's hours are getting cut. I have no job, not enough education to start a career worth starting, and even though my meals are now cut to one a day, I'm getting fatter. Fuck My Life. And if my mother gets any crazier, I'll find myself living in the States alone this winter. I am seriously considering organized crime if things get any worse. Does anyone need someone "taken care of"? If I don't get an income this year then it's gonna be time for me to say goodbye for good. I'll either blow up in Iraq or work in a communications tower in Alaska. But if I dawn a uniform I'll be the first to jump on that grenade, cuz they'll never take me alive. Fuck POW camps and FUCK MY LIFE.


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