(no subject)

Jun 29, 2009 10:29

So my political theory class midterm was last weekend.  It was a take home midterm, with only three lines detailing what we had to do.

1500 word max
10 point times new roman font
Contemporary American Application of Plato's Republic

Ok, so i automatically start thinking about what to do it on.  Naturally, being the massive geek I am, I choose Watchmen yet again.

but the reason for this post is not about the paper, it's about what my teacher said about papers.

He said, "When you write an essay for me, think of it as us going on a date.  Your introduction should be be eye-catching, attempting to capture my attention and make me want to see and experience more.  This is you getting out of the car and me seeing you (in date form) for the first time.  The body of your essay is supposed to amaze me with your knowledge of the readings and other information you pull out for this essay.  As usual, the body is what I would be focusing on the most on a date.  The conclusion is like a sweet kiss at the end of the date, it needs to have a sense of finality, proclaiming that the date is over, but also needs to leave me with questions of my own".

As much as I like Dean's "essays should be like a hooker's skirt:  short enough to make it interesting, but long enough to cover the topic", I prefer this analogy due to it being slightly more informative.

also, just finished reading 20 sections of Lao Tzu's Tau Teh Ching, and I am feeling slightly philosophical.

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