619 in the Sky with Diamonds

Sep 10, 2009 17:29

Last week I headed to LA to see one of the final NIN shows.  It was at the Palladium (which I'd never been to) and it was a riot.  Smallish space, really beautiful.  Went with my buddy James and his friends Kevin and Trey from SF (both of whom are quite awesome).  The show really went off and even though Trent was sick he mixed it up while still playing The Downward Spiral in its entirety.  Pretty nuts really.  He even brought out special guest Gary Numan for two songs - including an amp'd up version of Cars.

The rest of the LA visit included heading to the Eagle a few times.  I got to see Andy and Jim and some other LA friends so that was cool.  Went by Amoeba to see Aaron which was great.  Hadn't seen him in ages.  Went and saw Extract at the Arclight (totally simple and feh - a rental at best) before meeting up with Dave, Jason, Kevin, Michael, Richard (and Kevin right?) for dinner and a screening of Taking Woodstock.  There's something pretty slick about seeing a movie sitting next to a person who's in the movie.  I thought Taking Woodstock was a good time.  Ang Lee is such a thoughtful director.  Bonus points for seeing Dave White before the show at dinner.  Concluded the night with a great convo with my hosts Michael and Kevin followed by watching yet to air copies of the pilots of Flash Forward and Parenthood.  The first being decently hopefully good and the second being blah and not so hot.

On Sunday I was getting the starts of a solid cold which sucked but I did head out to brunch in Silverlake with the guys.  The food was excellent and we even spotted Jason Lee (My Name is Earl) eating there as well.  After 4 1/2 hours of traffic I was back in SD.  My cold was going full swing though so I missed out on Bear Night and I even missed out on my Holiday Pecs shift...

This week has been a blur.  I've been fighting away at this cold and working at the bar and doing errands.  Nothing too exciting other than buying Beatles Rockband (it's excellent) and catching up on sleep.  The big news really is that I'm leaving for NYC tonight.  I'll be there for about 36 hours.  Why you ask?  Well, I'm meeting up with Matt, Ray, Zach, and Kevin and we're going to hit a club and see our favorite DJ, Donald Glaude.  It's a 9/11 of rather amazing proportions.  To be in the city on that particular day with all that energy and on top of that to be with some of my favorite people in the world listening to my favorite DJ ever.  I can't quite tell you how excited I am at the idea.  Can't wait to see Matt and can't wait to get my ass on that dance floor!

So that's what is going on these days.  Will be nice to have the next few weeks to just work and relax and get back into my groove.  There's a lot to do around the apartment and a ton of little errands and tasks to be accomplished (aka living life).



friends, travel, la, concerts, matt rose, nin, donald glaude

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