I fell off the wagon

May 21, 2009 21:51

If you've listened to the latest episode of the 619Bearcast (did I mention it's available on iTunes and pretty nifty?) then you already know that during my recent round of sickness I fell off the wagon. See, it's easy to do really... When you're weak... you're in between Netflix deliveries and you don't have cable. I mean, with Heroes (thankfully) over and LOST ending (tears and tears) what else is a boy to do but wait for new Ugly Betty and deliciously savor the copy of Caprica someone lent him?

Well, I'll tell you what this boy did...

But first - yeah, I had that stupid "everything but a sore throat" sickness that's been going around. And since I'm such a lucky pup I also ended up with Walking Pneumonia (the yummy bacterial infection that at least allows you to keep walking).

So I was on the couch looking out at another beautiful sunny SD day passing my unemployed should be having the Spring of Brian sick puppy butt by and I happened to click open my Playon Media Server options on my PS3. I've been rolling heavy Hulu with it but I had forgotten all about CBS.com. So I click on it and lo and behold they have added full episodes of How I Met Your Mother (wee!). But that only gave me an hour of entertainment (they only post a few at a time). It was then that I noticed it... Not only did they have (wait for it) Survivor and Amazing Race, they had complete (and multiple) seasons of it. So I gave in and I let the good times stream. I pretty much watched the entire season of Amazing Race in a day (LOVED it!). But what I loved even more was getting back into Survivor. I hadn't watched it since the "Race Wars" version and that had been my first season to watch since Thailand. I felt like the show had gotten boring and predictable. Well, let me say two things about this season that made it all worth while --> Tyson and Coach. Two of the most enjoyably awesome and jaw dropping characters to be on the show in ages. And that's not to mention the usual assortment of folks and players. I think this season came back around and it really reminded me how much fun the show can be. Not to mention Jeff Probst. That guy has a gift with really observing people and nailing them in the best way a host can/should.

So yeah, I guess I'm back in CBS' reality clutches because I will be watching next season - both shows. I might even go back and watch an older season of Amazing Race just for fun. Unfortunately I did watch the last three eps of the previous version of Survivor so there's no real joy in that for me.

In other TV news, Deadwood continues to make me happy. The Shakespearean styled Western is just amazing. And am I the only one who loves seeing my favorite folks from shows I love show up elsewhere? (notably Trixie from Deadwood on Caprica and Juliet from LOST on the upcoming V reboot. Not to mention all of the The Wire folks who keep popping up here and there). I'm also coming down the home stretch on the Sopranos. I think disc 1 of Season 6 p2 comes this week. And lastly, I've started to rewatch LOST from the beginning. ABC.com is nice enough to have HD versions of all 5 seasons (every ep) available with limited commercials. So right now I'm on Season 1 and yes, I'm taking notes. Will have some LOST reports here before long. I did give in and buy 2-5 on bRay so as nice as it is on ABC.com it'll be nice to get away from streaming and commercials completely.

That's the TV round-up... what are y'all watching? I missed Glee but I think it's on Hulu so I'm gonna check it out. Rome, Big Eden, Weeds s4, Firefly, and Oz are all in the Netflix queue to help me get over the end of Sopranos and Deadwood. :-)

playon, lost, cbs.com, the amazing race, television is awesome, tv, abc.com, hulu, ps3, survivor, streaming media

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