Hey, here's a bunch of short line items that you'll probably find somewhat interesting....

Mar 18, 2009 17:09

I went to Best Buy today because I'm slowly buying every season of I Love Lucy and Battlestar Galactica (damn, BSG is expensive).  I'm holding off on buying LOST because I want to see if they are going to release Season 2 on Bluray.  But I'll probably end up buying it on DVD because I tend to get impatient.

I finished Chuck Klosterman's Downtown Owl today.  I have mixed feelings about it, but I thought it was an enjoyable series of character studies if not a wee bit gimmicky.

St Pat's last night was a mighty fine time.  As expected, I drank and carried on a bit but I more or less behaved.  Well, except that part where I threw my ass at a buddy and meow'd like the cat in South Park.

I did the Lee Hecht Harrison seminar that my company offered.  It was very helpful and it showed me how much work I have to do still on my resume before it's where I want it to be.  It also made me realize the possible career path I'd like to set myself upon.

raisincub came over on Sunday evening and we watched Pinnochio on Bluray.  It looked beautiful.  I hadn't seen it in years and J and I both remarked on some rather odd aspects of the story.  I'm sure we'll talk about it on the podcast tonight so be sure to keep an eye out for Episode 22 when it's made available.

Speaking of the podcast, Rich from Top Chef will indeed be guesting with us.  He'll be in Epsiode 23 and that should be available a week from Friday or Saturday.  If you have any questions you'd like us to bring up with Rich you can post 'em here or at 619bearcast.

I found out how much severance pay I get, what happens to my 401k, and how much insurance coverage I'll have.  I'm happy more or less.  I get two months of free COBRA and thanks to Obama I get an additional 7 months of COBRA with 60% of it being paid for by my ex-company.  Not bad.  What I'm realizing is that I need to set my goal at getting a new job by the end of June.  That would be the best use of my severance, unemployment, and it was still give me a mini Summer o' Brian.

I was feeling a little disconnected from my friends a few weeks ago.  It's amazing what a tiny amount of effort on my part can do to completely erradicate that feeling.

I still love Tap Defense for my iPhone.  It is without a doubt the best game I have and probably in my top 5 if not top 3 apps...  The other apps I use repeatedly are Tip, Twitteriffic, Facebook, and Quadcam.  You can throw Loopt and Pandora in there too.  I've got about six pages of apps now.  Yeesh.

I cannot wait for Friday.  It's the BSG finale and I'm getting together the frakin' geekiest men I know so we can all sit and watch it play out.  This is, for the most part, the first time I've ever watched BSG with another person.  It's definitely the first time I've ever watched it with more than one person.  It will be interesting to exchange reactions and theories and it will be awesome because everyone is an uber fan and there will be pizza too.

I'm glad LOST is new tonight.

I still love 30 Rock and I want to have puppies, kittens, and hamsters with Alec Baldwin.

I'm planning a day trip to meet my Mom at Disneyland.  The idea of that makes me smile each time I think about it.

I'm planning a CA Road Trip for May.  Stops include LA, Bakersfield, SF, and possibly Grass Valley.  I'll leave on a Tuesday afternoon and will probably be gone until that Monday so I don't miss work.  If you live in these cities and would like to put me up for a night(s) that would be swell.  I am super fucking duper excited about going to SF and will want to make sure I'm going on a weekend where I can get maximum awesome people exposure.

I'm excited about iPhone 3.0 and each twitter, LJ, or Facebook post from haterz who say things like "you're all so happy to be getting what I've had all along" destroys some of the cancer within my soul.  That sort of predictability of sentiment is what helps me sleep at night and assures me that some things in this world will never change.  I take comfort in knowing that.

Happy birthday frankY.  I miss you and hope y'all can come out West soon.

More answers to Question Month questions coming soon.  I just thought y'all might enjoy getting a post from me that didn't have to do with that.  If yer not getting enough Brian (and really, is it possible to get enough?) I do invite you with sincerity to check out the 619Bearcast.  We really are having a lot of fun with it.  You don't even have to own an iPhone to listen to it.

Tugs all around...

trips, work, 619bearcast, iphone, life, books, me, thoughts, movies

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