Question Month - Round 6: My Prime, Partners, Pussy, Do-Overs, and 619 Visits

Mar 11, 2009 12:53

Here's the latest round of answers for the March Question Month Meme...

The very sexy ottocub asks:

Do you believe that a persons soul will intersect their age at one point during their life this creating a "prime"? If so, have you hit yours yet? When was it or when will it be?

My prime will be on October 15th, 2017. Come on, who the heck can say or tell or know such a thing? I have no idea man. I love being in my 30s... I feel like right now my life is probably more challenging than it has been in a few years but I tend to go through cycles of change and after each cycle things generally improve. So - there you have it. Should this next cycle result in some shitty times then I suppose I could look at my life and say my prime is behind me. But that would really be a piss poor kind of self examination. The best of times are always a moment away. How can you not go through life believing that?

The man with the most amazing blue eyes onethsndwords asks:

In relationships - what is the hardest part of you to love, and what's the one thing that you find hard to put up with in your partners?

If I had to guess I'd say that I'm pretty damn self centered. I mean, listen to an episode of the 619 Bearcast and you'll get a good example of my struggle to shut the fuck up (the struggle I lose constantly). I pretty much go through life thinking that people actually want to hear my opinion on each and every little thing in the world and I could imagine how that facet of my personality would make someone insane. I'm working on it though even if it's hard to tell.

I have the hardest time with partners who don't express themselves or who give up on conversations. Just tell me how you feel. Honestly tell me exactly how you feel and we'll deal with it. And know that I know - that feelings change over time so don't think that I'll commit your words to stone and expect you to live by every one of them. Know that we'll evolve together by communicating.

Someone relatively new to my netspace mr chulo_los asks:

Tell us about Issac McPussycat...

Bubba, National Request Month is in June... Heheh... Isaac is my cat. He's gray with feint slightly greyer tiger stripes on his hind legs and a bit of gold on his stomach. I've had him about six years. My buddy Jim used to work for Petco and he knew I was interested in getting a cat. He told me he had the kind I was looking for (tabby) and I went to his place. Turns out it was actually two cats, a bro/sis combo who were totally devoted to each other. I didn't want two cats and didn't want to break them up. Jim then says "Well, there is a litter in the shed out back that I just got. A woman brought them into the store to get their shots. She said she left her checkbook in the car and after going out for it she never came back." So we went out to the shed and there were all these orange, gray, and white kittens mewing about. I bent down to pet one and as I did, from out of nowhere, a kitten pounced onto my back. I took a look at him and there was Isaac, the only solid colored cat in the bunch. He chose me so who was I not respect that choice? He's been with me ever since.

There were times when I honestly would have been happy to leave him in a box on a corner - he'd make me so crazy with his late night antics. But we're on the same page now, he and I and he's probably just about the best pet I've ever owned. He's got a ton of personality and is so much like me that it's a little scary (specially when it comes to being an attention whore). He pretty much kicks ass and I'm glad he lets me live with him.

The newest reader of my LJ miketheasian asks:

If you could go back and come out all over again, would you do anything different?

Probably not. I mean maybe I would have come out earlier or explored my hometown a bit for the "gay scene" but all in all, I'm happy with how it all came about. I didn't come out until I was comfortable with myself and when I did come out it was on my own terms and in my own way.

Longtime net buddy wileecoyote16 asks:

First, what one thing would you recommend a visitor not miss when visiting SD? If I only had time to see one place or visit one site or eat at one restaurant, which would it be? What would be the site to create a lasting memory of the beautiful city?

Hmmm. One thing only, eh? I'd say Balboa Park then. Wander the park, walk along the prado, maybe step into the zoo for a bit. It's pretty much my favorite spot in SD. Right now my fav place to eat is probably Harney Sushi... but if you wanted a feel of the neighborhood I'd say eat at Brians' or have brunch at Babbo Grande. Confidential, in the Gas Lamp is bad ass too. And you don't want to miss a night at Pecs for a beer or the Sunday beerbust at The Hole.

Second, would you be up for meeting up with a Hoosier visitor over a friendly drink or bite to eat to finally meet up in person? I've been digging your posts all these years now and it would be nice to meet the man, myth, and legend of Brian Hill in person.

Of course I would. It'd be great to finally meet you man. Flattery will get you everywhere. :-)

You can ask me a question for March Question Month if you'd like. Just go here.

question month, meme crap, questions

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