Mar 09, 2009 17:47
I just got home from seeing the Watchmen. I just put down my wallet and keys, gave Isaac some attention and now I'm sitting here typing away. My history with Watchmen is limited. I didn't really even know it existed until about a year ago when people began talking about the adaptation. And then at San Diego ComicCon that was all anyone was talking about it. They even had "Archie" there for photo ops. I still didn't really get it. The costumed "heroes" looked stupid and contrived from the photos I'd seen. But then I read an article in EW about it and got a glimpse at what the story was about. It wasn't about the costumes or the action but rather the motivation and the outcome. The process of being a hero. The rational and the effects. And it was also set in a bizaro 80s reality so that helps to explain quite a bit of how and why things look as they do.
There are some spoilers here and there so skip to the last paragraph if you don't want to read them.
I read about 30 pages of the graphic novel and set it aside to read something else. I'll probably go back and read it all now because I really enjoyed this film. I thought it explored human motivation and nature in a way that Fight Club and V for Vendetta had previously (V being penned by the same man of course). Matt and I got into talking about the soundtrack after the movie and I defended the use of the "Hallelujah" song in one scene but now that I'm home I actually think the soundtrack might have been a little heavy handed. I enjoyed it in the moment but thinking about "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" as muzak in one scene and then Mozart's Requiem in another, etc etc - perhaps it was a bit much. But if I'm dwelling on music I must be looking for a things not to like, eh?
I think a lot of people might have come to the movie like I did - not really knowing what to expect or knowing a lot about the story's history. I think if those people were coming to watch an action film they probably felt a little let down because while there is action that is quite eye opening I wouldn't call this an action film really. I draw the comparison to Fight Club and V for Vendetta - both films marketed on action and violence while transcending both of those labels and being far from what I would call action movies (Push, Transformers, Terminator, etc). Watchmen felt more like a history lesson. What motivates us? How would we take action if we were able to? And if we're able to why aren't we?
Here's that last paragraph you should read if you skipped the previous two. I'd say go see this movie. I haven't read any full reviews of it myself but I've seen it being given some mediocre marks. I'd say it's a solid B+ in the here and now with a second viewing on disc down the road needed for sure. Fight Club and V for Vendetta were both like that for me too.
the watchmen,
graphic novels,