Days Become Weeks...

Feb 10, 2009 10:52

Wow, we're already nicely into February. Time is moving right along, ain't it? Someone commented in my journal recently about how time continues to move forward even if you're somewhat uninspired/unmotivated and taking a time-out to assess things. So yeah, that would be me taking that time out. I don't feel like it's quite over yet either. But I do feel like the assessing part is going fairly well. This is thanks largely to some friends here in SD and here on LJ. I posted up recently about this general malaise I was feeling and wow, you guys really came through with giving me some perspective and a lot to think about. I'm grateful.

I've been keeping pretty busy, really. A bunch of us went to Disneyland weekend before last and it was a solid day. Not too crowded and awesome weather. I'm looking to go back sometime soon though because I'd like to try out the new Small World to see the additions that have traditionalists up in arms and to also take a ride on the classic version of Haunted Mansion that should be back up. I like the Christmas version but I miss the classic when it's gone.

John, Me, Mikey --- Billy, Peter, Dave, Scott, Steve

That weekend was also memorable for the Friday night and what went down. A bunch of us went to see a DJ called Donald Glaude as well as Bunny from Rabbit and the Moon (and don't feel bad if you don't know who either of these cats are because I sure as heck didn't). Matt had a lot of positive things to say about Donald after seeing him in SF so I figured, hey for ten bucks why not? I'm so glad I did. It was one of those nights that you could never make happen by trying. It was all so effortless and easy and fun and right. It sounds cheesy, but it was like having my soul take a shower. Getting out there and just dancing and letting it all out. Cathartic. Just a great night and a superb DJ. I know that MySpace is super annoying but if you hit his page you can hear some of his music.

This last weekend I headed to Palm Springs to spend some time with my friend Cliff. The weather was soggy so we mostly just watched movies. I let him cook for me too (smile). I turned him onto "Go" which he hadn't seen before as well as Across the Universe. He had Sordid Lives and we watched that too. And the new episode of Battlestar Galactica (which was great!). Enjoyed the drive home with the rain showers mixed with extreme sunlight. It lit up the desert with cheesy beams of "heavenly" light but wow, it was beautiful.

I've been having fun with the Cylon Scanner for my iPhone - that 3rd pic is for you robhelmsdeep (it's the wallpaper on my phone)

Let's see - other news-wise: The 619Bearcast is moving right along. I don't think we're quite in our groove yet but that's what's cool because I think we improve with each episode. And hell, the locals are listening to it and if we can motivate them then we've already won. Ha! Check it out if you get a chance. It's not like LOST - I mean, you can pick it up at the latest episode and not feel like you're out of the loop.

I went to see the movie "Push". It was pretty bad. Like a cast-off pilot for a post-Heroes tv show on the WB. Dakota Fanning was fun to watch - she's got a gift I must say. She's just so natural. But even she had moments of "feh" because really, no matter what sorta of acting chops a person might have this script and movie didn't give too much to work with. Plodding, long, and unable to rouse any sort of empathy or interest from me.

Tonight I'm headed to see Coraline and I'm looking forward to that. I'm totally loving Deadwood and The Sopranos. I'm a little out of the loop on music right now though. I think I'm going to do some Coachella homework and get back into things some (and by homework I mean grab the bands from the Friday I'm going to and listen to 'em through so I can have a more robust game plan on that day).

Ok - That's where I'm at. Now lemme sit a spell and catch up with y'all.

PS - Still digging playing with QuadCam for my iPhone. Here's a shot of Cliff from the weekend:

Keeping the world turning (i.e. taking a work call)...

friends, good times, music, djs, iphone, disneyland, life, cliff, me, iphone apps, palm springs

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