Of Late...

Nov 04, 2008 16:08

Damn, this new position at work has responsibilities n' stuff. Doing my best to stay on top of LJ/Flickr/Twitter/etc but sorry if I don't get on here quite as much (today being an exception with various annoying election-related posts).

Life is good. I'm here at work getting constant input from around the globe regarding the election. Spirits are high and I am especially enjoying these last few hours of pure optimism and hope for our changes with Prop 8. If it passes? Well, then we keep on fighting. If it doesn't pass? Well then, we keep on fighting for the rights of others in other states. Did you see the wording of the measure in FL? It's actually described as a measure to "protect the institution of traditional marriage"... Is that not totally insane? As if voting against it would be an attack on marriage. *grumble*

So, I had a great Halloween weekend. Went with friends to Nightmare on Normal Street on Friday. I was dressed as an Obama/No on 8 supporting Jesus Christ and it went over really well. Had a bunch of folks ask for photos (and even advice). One person said to me "So you are Jesus?" and I said "Yup, I sure am" to which he said "Well, I'm Catholic" to which I replied "I'm sorry... But hey, that's not my fault - I had nothing to do with that shit. Y'all made that up on your own"...

My Costume - My Fav Costume of the Night (Yes on 8 Supporter post-feedback)

After Nightmare we headed down to the North Park Theater to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was my first time (Virgin!) to see it in a theater with other folks and it was a blast. Ray kept us in stitches yelling out all the one liners and I finally got to throw some toast and rice and shine my iPhone lighter. Good times!

On Saturday I went up to Glendale to visit JD and Dean at their place. Dean has a beautiful home! He was having a Halloween party that night so I helped a bit getting set for it and then donned my Jesus outfit for the shindig. Ian from Seattle was there and it was great to see him - had been a while. Kris from Oakland was there too and damn if it wasn't a high point to get to hang out with him again. The party was a pretty damn eclectic mix of folks and with the booze flowing there was shitloads of fun to be had. Highlights included Val dressed as a 50s housewife - she stayed in character the whole night... Also a Mr and Mrs Roper, Dean in his shower costumer, Kris as a fireman, a great looking Amy Winehouse (and by great I mean tragic), and a bunch of others. At one point a guest sat on my knee like I was Santa Claus - she asked me for a man and a job. I told her, her best bet was to proactively stop asking for things from a fictional character and to work out her problems on her own. We also played a Rock Band 2.

Kris with Pumpkin at Dean's - The fellas at Santa Monica (JD, Kris, Ian, Dean)

Sunday the five of us headed to Santa Monica Pier and it was a great way to cap off the weekend. Sometimes you just need to get out of town on your own.

Work last night was fun. JP, Jay, John, Robbie, Jeremy and Sean all came by to hang out. Matt and I caught up some over our weekend's and even though things tanked around 12am the night went by quickly (with the time change I wasn't sure if it would or not).

This week I'll be recording the third episode of the 619Bearcast. You can know search and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. You can also find us here on livejournal under 619bearcast and on flickr with the same name. And if all else fails, head to www.619bearcast.com and you'll find us too. It's been a lot of fun so far and we're getting good feedback so I'm feeling good about us keeping up with it for a while to come.

On the weekend I'm probably going to head to Disneyland with my family. Grandma and Grandpa haven't been in a while and they are really wanting to go. Grandpa is 86 and Grandma is 79 (I think). I can't wait as this is the first time so many members of my family have been together at Disney in a while.

So you're all caught up folks!

PS - I heard that Teen Girl Squad has been twittering? What's up with that? Hmmmm....

friends, teen girl squad, good times, twitter, itunes, 619bearcast, halloween, life, parties

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