And he's back...

Jul 31, 2008 14:57

It's been a busy week or so folks. The move, Pride, ComicCon, office move, work junk... It was really wearing me out. In fact, I was in a legitimate funk earlier this week but thankfully with some friendly ears listening and some new perspective I'm doing a bit better at the moment.

The new apartment is awesome. I just love it all the way around. The move went so well and I can't thank the guys enough for helping out (I'm looking at you
pinner123). Really, with their hard work and sweat (and knowledge of tools) it went really well - even with my rocky IKEA furniture. Isaac digs his new digs too. The only thing I have to be careful about is now that I have an upstairs neighbor I need to worry about noise levels. The other night
rrumm (who helped me pick out curtains and put 'em up for me and who rocks like a lobster) and I were playing Boom Blox not even thinking that it was after 11:30pm. Knock knock and it's my petite blond neighboy asking us to turn it down. Lesson learned. No reason to go pissing people off so early in my new living situation.

Pride came shortly there after and was a big fat mess of good times. Went to a few parties and mingled with the bears. We even jumped in and made our own entry in the parade with synchronized belly flashes. Had the supreme surprising pleasure of reconnecting with
funkybearmartin. I'm working on devious ways of convincing him to come back down sometime soon. My favorite moments from Pride? Hanging in the shade of the bear beer garden with my friends just lazing the day away. Talking about whatever and being glad about nothing and everything in particular. Moment 2 was having the crowd pull it together (and stay seated) for Kathy Griffin allowing us to relax and enjoy a great performance from her.

And then came ComicCon. Holy damn. I knew it would be epic but I was up there so damn high I shouldn't have been surprised that my reality crash on Monday was such a tough one.
rugbybearpa was in town again this year and he was joined by
roguecub. Billy and I did preview night together which was good fun. Nice to get a lay of the land. The next day we all tore it up (I focused in on panels for The Day the Earth Stood Still, Max Payne, Land of the Lost, and Wolverine) for a long while before I headed up and out to have sushi with Henry and Mikey and to see The Dark Knight in IMAX (to quote Kevin Smith "Epic"). Ran into a bunch of LJers at the con:
rexsteed, and
e_ticket from LA,
bigsabu and
martini_tim from the OC, as well as
dr_tectonic who I got to meet for the first time (and who has the most adorable 'stache evers). Friday night was the 3way party and I got trashed and made out with cute boys. Saturday morning was started in the best way a morning can start and then was quickly interupted by my feeling like crap for having had so much to drink. I did make it back to CC that day to buy more art and t-shirts. Saturday night we had dinner at Brian's and saw Kumar there and we crashed over and Matt and Mike's watching some tv. Sunday was crepes and relaxing times before heading to the Hole and Pizza Explosion followed by night swimming at Brian and Chad's. Monday I had to go back to work but all the boys came by the bar that night and it was mighty fine. I'll say it again. It makes me nuts at times that people I truly love can't be closer to San Diego (preferably in San Diego) and I just keep trying to jolly myself by thinking that with 'em away it makes it all the more special when they're here.

ComicCon Cool Shit/Sightings: Scored awesome art for myself that I will document as well as a SUPER awesome print for
maverick1303 for his birthday that was the find of the weekend. Got some new shirts which I like. Saw Joshua Jackson, Simon Pegg, Kumar-guy, and Richard Hatch in the wild and countless other stars on panels. Wolverine looks like it's gonna kick ass. The Day the Earth Stood Still looks a little ho-um and Max Payne looks okay. Land of the Lost could be fun, Drag Me to Hell could be too. Pineapple Express might be the first non homerun for Apatow but I'll see it anyway. I'm a newborn fan of Josh Whedon and plan on catching up on Dr Horrible, Buffy, and Firefly when I have the time to (Dr H is on my iTunes waiting for me). It was a super crowded weekend and I didn't get in all the panels I wanted (Heroes and LOST and Pushing Daisies - my fault... The Venture Brothers - totally the Con's fault with bad planning and insane demand).

This week I've been getting a lot done at home. With the work move our office hasn't been totally set for net access so we've been doing from home days. Gives me a chance to get more than just work done which is nice.

Today I'll venture back out to volleyball after two weeks off. Tomorrow it's a pizza picnic for my birthday and then on Saturday John and I will head to Disneyland (long overdue).

I hope you've all been well. I missed keeping up with you guys and it's nice to be back in the groove.

Photos and more below!

A thank you to
sluggobear for putting together the party. He made some nifty movies on JibJab that you can check out on his journal.

friends, good times, change, work, geeky shit, life, moving, apartment, me, movies, pride, comiccon

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