Wanted: Slurpees and Fashion and Holiday Wiikends

Jul 03, 2008 11:40

I went to see Wanted last night with
jpinsd and
raisincub (and JP's str8 pals Mike Matt and Girlfriend-who-is-nice). I thought Wanted was pretty good. I think the trailer made me set my expectations a little too high though. It's a great and  fun and superbly wacked-out gore fest of physics-are-for-losers type wee'dumb but the main character is pretty whiny through a lot of the movie and it's a bit predictable at times. Points for removing all value on human life and Angelina Jolie looking so hot that even this 100% No Vagina Gay would consider tapping her. So yeah, go see it - but leave your disbelief at home.

Have I mentioned I am strung out on Slurpees of late? I ditched Frapuccinos and am now just mainlining this sugary yumsville like I'm a fucking humingbird twiddling away at 7/11's sugary teet... They are bliss and the Black Gold aka Texas Slurtea aka Monster Black Ice is so eeevil and lovely that I want to curl up with it and watch Gilmore Girls and tell it all about my hidden hopes and dreams. Here's a recent IM exchange I had with someone who is very gay about how I <3 slurpees:

[10:16] The Ghey: how's you
[10:16] ME: a little sleepy... I bought a big ol' black death infused slurpee this morning and it's wearing off. I'm sorta semi-strung out on those things
[10:17] ME: developing a bit of a habit
[10:19] The Ghey: heheh the bile Slurpee?
[10:19] ME: yup
[10:19] ME: this time with mango/orange added to it
[10:19] The Ghey: hawt
[10:19] ME: it's eeevil
[10:19] The Ghey: heheh
[10:20] ME: and it calls to me
[10:20] ME: gently
[10:20] ME: urgent
[10:20] ME: knowingly
[10:20] ME: lovingly
[10:20] The Ghey: haha
[10:20] The Ghey: it lulls you into its deathtrap
[10:21] The Ghey: like your va___
[10:21] ME: and then smacks me with a Requiem for a Dream-like adrenaline rush of yummy eNerGieZ

my love... my muse... only you truly understand me...

I fug'd across New York Magazine's rundown of the 2009 Spring fashions. Holy balls I am loving looking at all of this! The Galiano stuff alone will make you sterile. Seriously. And by sterile I mean sterile with joy! Clown drag cotton candy kilts... krazy like callin' jay-z lazy...

One of Galiano's fashions... My I'd-wear-it-but-I-don't-think-it-comes-in-my-size face...

You can get to 'em all by clicking to this article about which celebs can pull off couture...

I'm so glad the holiday weekend is just about here....   Here's the plan so far:

Tonight: Volleyball followed by Wall.e with the bears and then probably over to PECs to say hey to
maverick1303 and have some beers and drinks and shots and to try out the new wall breathaliser we had installed at the bar (no really, we have one... I swear...
danlmarmot got to a .09 on Monday).

Tomorrow: Heading to a pool party and then off to dinner to celebrate the birth of a local buddy.

Saturday: A second pool party followed by what is looking to be an EPIC sorta night at the BEAR NIGHT Dance... w00t!

Sunday: Recovery, brunch, and then most likely some Holiday(ish) Hole time...

Pray for me... My Mom swears it helps...

fashion, holidays, friends, slurpees, fun, movies, addiction

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