Where'd He Go?

Feb 06, 2008 15:06

Answer, just about nowhere.  I felt a cold coming on over the weekend and it hit full force on Monday evening.  I took Monday and Tuesday off work (both jobs - ouch, hurts skipping bartending) and came in today.  It's 3pm and I'm done.  I feel sooooooo gross and my head feels like it weighs a good 50 pounds [insert joke from Mikey about heads/vagines/etc here].

Anyhow, just wanted y'all to know that I do live... I just be The Sick right now.  Maybe a new episode of PR tonight and LOST tomorrow will provide some relief.  I might even watch the newest iteration of Survivor.

I watched "Little Children" yesterday and I thought it was convenient but still good.  The core message resonated some and I liked that.  A little predictable but still worthwhile.

Ok, shutting down and heading home.  Not even gonna go to the Pinback show tonight :-(

me, being sick

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