The Hot for Teacher Meme

Jan 31, 2008 22:43

We all had that teacher that got us going when we were in school.  Me, I had a least two or three--mostly coaches or PE teachers.  My biology teacher was kinda hot too.  But above and beyond was Mr. R.  He taught Physics at my High School and I had him (as a teacher) Senior year.  He also was my swim coach Sophomore and Senior years.  He was a clean shaven married Mormon daddy...  Great sense of humor and a fun teacher.  He treated his students like human beings and always had time to talk.  Oh yeah, and you could totally see the outline of his "jesus jammies" through his slacks.  I used to fantasize about going to his house for help with my Physics homework or getting a ride home from him from swim practice.. or, even better - a private swim at night or a clandestine meeting in the locker room.  Yeah, I had it bad.

My Senior year on the swim team we decided to do something special for Mr R.  Each year we got second place behind Bakersfield High.  BHS was the size of a community college and they had such depth to their program that we never stood a chance against 'em.  So, what's a school to do?  Why - steal the parka of the head coach of the school they lose to every year and give it to their own coach as a present.  Yup, and we changed the back so instead of saying "BHS Drillers" it said "HHS - Drillers Killers".  Yeah, classic high school shit.  Anyhow, here's a couple of pics from the yearbook:


Here are a couple of me on the swim team back in the day (two from the night we gave him the parka)...

Funny story, the guy below me in the 3rd shot (Peter) ended up being gay as well. I ran into him (of all places) at the Phoenix during Southern Decadence about 6 years ago. He was wearing leather shorts and a harness and when I said his name it scared the shit out of him. He had no idea who I was on sight. Once I told him my name he just flipped out--he was blown away. Small world, eh?

But back to Mr R.  I did a Google search and found a photo that was taken a few years ago.  He's still teaching and looks pretty much the same.  Glad to see he's still the head of the swim program and having a positive effect on kids still today (I just wonder how many other young men have him as their first crush?) hehehe

Ok, so that's that - Now it's your turn.  Post a photo of the teacher(s) you had a crush on when you were a kid.  You don't have to go overboard like I did but let's see 'em!

hot teachers, meme crap, class of 91

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