And it's 2008...

Jan 02, 2008 17:06

A very Happy New Year to y'all... I hope you had an enjoyable NYE and NYD. I was working at PECs on the patio with
maverick1303 and good times were had. A lot of the SD guys came by to hang a bit before a local house party and many more stayed the entire night. I even got to see super awesome Michael and Kevin from LA who came down special. It was a madhouse for sure. And many handsome men to smooch on when midnight came around. A happy bear was I.

I slept in for real-real yesterday - didn't get up 'til around 1pm. Stopped over at Mike and Matt's for food and to hang with some of the guys a bit. Then went back home to Wii-it with
rrumm . We cracked open Mario Party 8 and it was fun - I think it'll be even better with four players. I showed him Galaxy as well.

In other news...

I Am Legend - I thought it was decent. Loved the FX in terms of what they did for NYC etc but not so much on the "infected". Whatev. It got a little Signs/The Stand there at the end but oh the well. I still would like to see Sweeney Todd and Juno and a bunch of other stuff too!

Disney Trip - A bunch of us will be going on Sunday the 27th so if you'd like to join us please mark your calendars now!

Nintendo DS - After going to Best Buy, Costco, and calling Fry's and Toys R Us I was just about ready to give up... But then I rolled into Target and found this little beauty. So now I have one along with Flash Forward and Super Mario Bros. I got to dust off my Super Puzzle Fighter as well which was fun. I had forgotten that I had a handful of GB Advance titles still. Anyone wanna buy a GBA cheap??? :-) Oh, and I'm considering doing this to my DS - what do you think? Now I just wanna find copies of Brain Age 1 and 2 and I'll be good to go.

MLK Weekend - John from SF is coming down - Woo Hoo!

Brian's Christmas - I headed out and picked up some stuff for myself now that I don't have to worry about getting 'em for Christmas.  Gift Cards helped!  Apart from the DS and two games, I also picked up two new Wii-Motes (I have four at last!), an old school pad for my Wii so I can play Super NES games etc, Harry Potter IV on DVD, Mario Party 8, and two books: The Kite Runner and The Golden Compass.  I still have a Borders gift card so if you have any recommendations for reading material just let me know.

Bear Night - Get yer butts down to San Diego on Saturday the 5th for Bear Night at Bacchus House.  I missed the first one because I was in SF but I heard it was a lot of fun.  This time around should be even better with more guys planning on going and (I've been told at least) more bartenders in place to handle the crowds.  At only $5 it's a deal too.

Tonight I'm gonna catch up on LJ some (tons to read)... Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my friend Junie from High School (the one who lives in NYC who I saw when I was out there).  She spent time with one of my best buds from HS over Christmas Break so I'm eager to find out how he's been doing.  Tomorrow night is a going away party for a friend of mind who is shipping out to Iraq.  I'm so afraid for him but he's really excited.  Looks like before I know it the weekend will be here and
bigsabu and
martini_tim will be inhouse for funz - w00t!

holidays, friends, life, being a geek, me, movies

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