What's Going On

Dec 29, 2007 15:44

All kinds of things to post about....

After working in the office on Wednesday I asked my boss for Thursday off so I could do a Disney run. Boss was agreeable so
bearxxl and I hopped in the car at 5:30am along with Brian (former SDer now LVer),
jpinsd, and new to LJ
sdtattguy (say Hi to Chuck everyone!). We zipped up the 5 and got to the park in more than enough time to be there when it opened. Once we got there we met up with
martini_tim and my sister Liz. The park was insanely busy. Longest lines I've ever seen for Haunted, Pirates, and Small World but even with the crowds we still managed to ride everything we wanted to: Pirates 1, Haunted 1, Thunder 2, Matterhorn 2, Nemo 1, Space 3, CA Screamin' 1, Tower 1, Maliboomer 1, M. Madness 1, Soarin' 1, Toad's 1, Small World 1, Buzz 1, Indy 1... Was a long day and I was soooo tired by the end of it. I gave John a break by driving my car and the battery died when we stopped for gas on the way home. Luckily Chuck has AAA and 15 minutes after we finally got them on the phone they showed up and gave me a jump. We got home around 3am and promptly fell apart.  Unfortuntely because of my car n' all I bowed out of going to LA with
sluggobear and
maverick1303 for
e_ticket's gift exchange (*grumble*) but I was just too pooped and having Friday to unwind was sooo nice.  John even came over to help me with the battery replacement and we got sushi for dinner.  Good times.

Oh, and props to Brian, JP, and Chuck for getting Disney annual passes and for JP going a step further and getting lanyard - Ha! One of us, one of us...

On Wednesday night I cracked open Mario Galaxy - oh wow - it's soooo fun. Now I know what y'all were raving over. JP came over last night and was my wingman for a while - what a great game.

I've decided I also want to get a DS. I almost bought one at Costco today but the only one they had came with Zelda and I want the one that comes with Brain Age - that's really why I'm buying one. I love those coordination memory exercise games. And it'll be nice to have it for plane flights, trips, etc. Nintendo has always done right by me so I'm happy to support 'em. Mind you, I had the last Nintendo portable and I barely play it - but the DS seems almost like it's geared specifically to adults in certain ways and I like that about it.

So now I'm at work. We just had our Holiday gift exchange. I got a game... I bought all my folks Starbucks gift cards and bought a Concert package that includes 2 Lawn Seats at the Coors Amphitheater and some music downloads. We raffled that off so that was fun. Gonna head out to pick up pizza in a few. We have Harry Potter IV playing on one of the TVs. It's nice to relax a little because once the UFC event begins things will really hit the fan.

That's all for now - hoping to get out and see Sweeney Todd tomorrow.


holidays, disney, friends, good times, work, my car

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