Does this post make me look gay?

Oct 08, 2007 12:41

Having a hard time getting myself motivated today. I guess that's just how it goes after you come down from a pretty much non-stop full frontal weekend of tasty good times.

On Friday Tom and I went to see Across the Universe. We both agreed to disagree with djmrswhite. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, thought the performances were strong, thought it only slowed down in a few scenes (notably Mr. Kite and Something in the way she moves), and enjoyed the rather romantic way it looked at the lives of these people. I totally have a man crush on the guy who played Jude. Not my type at all but still - he's just all kinds of cute. Was nice spending some time with Tom.

bearxxl picked me and bearringsd (I was pulling on my underwear when Henry knocked on my door - ha!) up and along with jeepcub67 and bnsd70 driving behind us we headed North to Disney. Hmm, let's just say that good times were had. We started with about 30 bears in our group (lots o' LJers - great to see a lot of my LA buddies for the first time in a while) and by the end of the day there were 5 of us. We knew The Fellowship of the Brown Ring would be broken by and by and everyone was really cool about the groups parting and mixing and meeting. I think that's part of what I enjoy about Gay Days the most. My only bummer was getting to spend limited time with The RRR's and Tim. Seeing just a bit of Bob and Paul and Jason too. But that just reminds me that I need to get to LA again before long and that it'll be all the sweeter when all the R's are in the OC at last. Again, even the short time we had together was mighty fun. The park was crowded and with some of the rides being down multiple times there was a lot of crowd movement that made it so that rides that don't normally have long lines (Haunted Mansion) had wait times of up to 45 minutes. Again - that's not bad and even less bad when you have a bunch of folks to chat with while you wait. I had the honor of having e_ticket pass the Leader Bear torch to me and I did my best to carry it well when he went off to do family type stuff. You can see all the photos (sorry there aren't more) that I took on my flickr page.

My T-Shirt. pinner123 made a t-shirt for me that I hoped would allow me to do some serious attention whore therapy at the park. It succeeded and them some. Got a lot of compliments, a lot of odd looks, lot of laughs, and even a couple of picture requests. Of course, I was quick to say that the photo request was probably so she could post it on as a testament to queer vanity and our wearing red because we know we're all going to Hell.

Got a few good Dad Safari shots. If you were there and got some be sure to post 'em. I got to meet my top contributer to the group too. Shout out to Bill!

We topped off the day by two in a rowing Thunder Mountain and getting off the ride right around 11:59pm - not bad!

John's car is awesome. I sat in back, put my seat back, got out my pillow and by the time we hit the freeway I was basically out. I slept straight through 'til we pulled off the freeway in SD.

I've been talking with jliv for a while on the ol' netz and it just so happens that he was in town this weekend to visit cpratt and danlmarmot as was climatebearnj who was also in town. They didn't get their Disney on with us but I did meet up with them for a trip to the Wild Animal Park yesterday. I have to admit, my motivation was primarily to spend some time with John at last but I also knew that Mark+Dan+Chris = good times (see Europe Trip for details) and I hadn't been to the Wild Animal Park in about seven years so... yeah. It was really nice, a little warm but clear. Although one patron of the park was under the impression that the WAP was "whack" we found it to be a lot of fun. The new bus-style trams they have were actually really cool and even though I'm a traditionalist I actually like them a bit more than the old trams. Anyhow, enjoyed hiking around and checking out the animals with the guys. I'm still not sure how I was able to do it all after a day at Disney but I'm thinking my net-crush on John had something to do with it. Ha!

Ok - there's a story that must be told from our day at the WAP. Do you guys know what Meerkats are? Cute, yellow, harmless, stars of television shows and cartoon movies etc, right? Well - they have a darker side as well. We were checking them out when a female duck flew into their pen. Not a good plan there Mrs. Duck. The MK's quickly ripped the duck to shreds. It was pretty damn awesome really. Funny to see a guy try to save the duck - dude, Wild Animal Park - um, remember? Funnier still to hear a young girl say "Daddy, make them stop" We agreed it was a the highlight of the day. You go Meerkats!

We said goodbye to Chris and Dan and went to The Hole for beers. Fun we did have. Drink we did do. From there we headed with Henry, Wallace, and Tom over to eXtreme Pizza for some grub. Again, good times. Was nice to have a different mix of people. The conversation was enjoyable and I'm happy it all worked out that we were able to include some new guys in the Sunday traditions.

Headed with John and Mark over to Dan and Chris' pad to watch Hot Fuzz on their delicious 50+ inch HD TV. Wow, with the lights out it felt like the move was just floating in air in front of us. Got to relax on up with John and just come down from an excellent weekend.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a very lucky man...

Oh wow - maverick1303, sluggobear, and mrrealestate... we came up with the most KICK ASS idea for Texas Bear Round-Up shirts ever.

friends, good times, meerkats will fuck your shit up, flickr, disney, life, san diego, movies, gay shit

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