Droppin' Loads! Droppin' Loads! (of updates that is) With Pictures and Everything!

Jul 25, 2007 15:29

Had a nice weekend this last time around. I've been in this sorta weird funk of late, basically since I got back from P.Town. I'm not sad or anything, I just feel a little disconnected from work and to an extent, from my friends. I think I need to just let the dust settle a bit more and I'll be back to my old self (for better or worse). All the same, I still had a heck of a good weekend.

First - Please take a moment to dig on my new icon. I made it in honor of my, well... being a Total Geek n' stuff... here's a bigboy version of it:

On Friday me and sluggobear and bearringsd went to see The Polyphonic Spree at a tiny club in Mission Beach. You might recall from this post that I'm a bit of a fan. The band totally brought their A Game. The SD crowd was a bit shy and didn't seem to really be ready to give themselves over to the experience of it all but by the end (playing their cover of Nirvana's Lythium always seems to help) folks had totally had a deep drink of the koolaide and were feeling it. Was glad Henry and Mikey were able to come along. Great show!

On Saturday I picked up cpratt and danlmarmot and brought them over to my pad in Hillcrest. From there we walked over to my pals Chris and Karl's place for their pre-pride parade party. Was fun (and i was totally hungry so I got on some serious food action). Met up with a bunch of the guys there (oh wait - back up - beefurjoe came into town the night before and crashed with me and he's super awesome but wasn't with us because he went to a different preparty that a buddy of his was throwing). Then met into mr sexy Sean from N.Carolina - another nice surprise. We walked over to the parade route and met up with Mikey and Yogi, got to say Hi to maverick1303 who was working with onethsndwords photographing the whole shindig, and then walked a bit of the route. We didn't have a lot of time to hang out though because we needed to head North to LA. So Dan, Chris and I got into the ol' Murano and hoofed it North. We stopped in at Amoeba Records and bought some new toys (for me it was new discs by Editors and Interpol along with Dresden Dolls, Best of: Smiths, and The Good the Bad and the Queen) and hung out in the neighborhood 'til aairplane was off work. From there it was over to the house of ADA where socializin' was done. We watched a really cool indy film that liquid_wayno had a role in and left moroccomole alone as he was finishing up Harry Potter. We grabbed booddhabear along with Aaron and met up with e_ticket and fidgetcub for some grub at a nifty place called Doughboys. Then it was off to the LA Sports Arena to get our Daft Punk on. Dan, Chris, Aaron and I were on the floor and Dave and Jason were in the Loge section. It was a people watchers paradise. Club Kidz, geeks, hippies, bears, bois, all kinds of folks were out for it. Opening band Rat-ta-tat-tat were actually a lot of fun. I dug 'em at least and one of the high points for me was when the DJs between acts played a super cool dance version of Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name Of" so go figure on that one. Daft Punk came out and blew us off like Lindsey Lohen in the back stall of an LA night club. They started with just minimal lights and effects and gently rolled through their greatest hit (and played it for 2 hours). As the waves of crunchy awesome dance music hit us they amped up the lights, effects, staging, until I felt like my eyes were gonna leak mercury... Guys, I'm not even a fan of their music really and they just were too damn awesome. Had such a good time at this one. From the show we hit the road, made it home in record time, and found a super sexy bear in my bed waiting to cuddle the rest of the night away (ah bliss).

Sunday I bid goodbye to my house guest as he made his way back North and then I just putzed around 'til it was time to go to The Hole. As it was a "Holiday" we were all up in arms about getting there early to avoid the lines. I got there around 2:45 and found most of my bear buds there already. Word was passed around that some of the boys were going back to the festival to see Erasure and I thought that sounded like a good idea. I didn't really want to throw down for a ticket but luckily Rob (Junior) had a pass he wasn't going to use so he gave it to me. I made it in time to get a spot with Mikey, Yogi, mrrealestate, and some of the other crew and we all enjoyed a great set from The Gayest Band in the Universe. Andy Bell, thank you for just making music that makes me all happy n' shit.

On Monday I stayed home... I stayed home and worked and realized that by staying home I wasn't going to get my copy of Harry Potter that was being delivered to my office. So what did I do? I went to Barnes and Noble at lunch and bought a copy for myself. Yes, I'm that kind of hopeless geek. Anyone need a copy? Unopened!

Monday night at the bar went well. It was actually really crowded and to my surprise there were quite a few folks from out of town who were keeping the party going.

I was out sick from work on Tuesday. I just wasn't feelin' it so I stayed in and got better and read a crap load of Harry Potter. I had tickets for Avenue Q that night and wasn't going to miss it though. Met up with rrumm, chips_username, Henry, and Mike for this one. Crazily enough, we had seats right next to braddumm and his partner Tye. Small world! The show was excellent. Had been wanting to see it for years and was so happy to get to at last!

So tonight rugbybearpa and I will head to the ComiCon preview night. Tomorrow it's more ComiCon, Friday is Disney, Saturday is more ComiCon, and Sunday will probably be up for grabs with a trip to the Hole high on the probability list.

Hope y'all have been havin' fun too!

And I didn't mean for this post to become a totally annoying "handle fest" but I think that just sorta happens when you get to the point where you've made most of your new friends through LJ and have converted your old ones over to it!

being the gay, friends, theater, good times, concerts, music, being a geek, books, harry potter, pride

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