What's the last concert you went to?

Jun 16, 2007 14:01

About to jump in the shower and wash up before headin' North to LA.  Went for a bike ride this morning with maverick1303, sluggobear, and our buddy Dave.  Was a nice little run around Mission Trails.  In all the years I've been here in SD and heard of this spot this was my first time going and it was actually real nice.  I gotta say though, my bike might be a little small for me and I definitely need to get some fat boy biker shorts because my junk is all kinds of unhappy right now.  After the ride we stopped in at Soup Plantation for some grub and I tried not to carb out.

So now it's showertime then up I'll head.  Gonna meet my friend Scott (not Hot Scott, well - he is hot but he's not The Hot Scott) for dinner before I head to the show.  Afterwards I'm gonna meet up with rrumm at the Eagle for drinks and he's bein' gracious enough to host me.  If all goes as planned I'll swing by the house of ADA for pancakes tomorrow and then either head back to SD early or go see the play that Rob is directing (inclined to see the play).

Ah yes - the show... it's The Fratellis.  You might recall that they bowed out of their SD gig and that made me sad.  So hopefully they will make up for it tonight.  I should send a nod to bossmanbear for telling me to check them out back before their disc even appeared on the US market.  They're a great band.  Here's a video for their single Chelsea Daggger:

image Click to view

Or check out the vid for Flathead - Apple used it for an iPod commercial so you have probably heard it before.

And for one last laugh, here's a pick of me gently licking the super cool single that Chris and Dan surprised me with about a month ago (and how sweet are they?) to make me feel all better having missed the Frats when they cancelled their gig here in SD.

friends, bike riding, la, good times, concerts, music

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