[Fav Fridays] Who should you read?

Jun 08, 2007 11:06

Well, it's Friday and I'm in between meetings so here's some quick FAVs for ya. About a year ago there was a meme where you were supposed to list some of the journals you enjoy keeping up with here in LJ land. So, I'm going to go ahead and list a few that you might want to check out...

bnsd70 - My friend Bryson's blog. Bryson will quickly take action on my doing this by saying that "my life isn't interesting and no one cares about what I post" because he doesn't like to admit that he has a gift for expressing himself and an elegant simplicity in his writing style. I love reading Bryson's posts. I think you will too.

crimsonsaint - Rob has an excellent sense of humor and he's, well, evil n' shit. I gauruntee that your scrolling will cease if you add him to your friend's list. Did I mention he's evil? (now if only he'd post more often)

sluggobear - Mikey has useful info in his Thursday Tips posts, but he also mixes it up with lots of fun photo posts as well as political and social commentary all written in his thoughtful style. And he's like totally woofy n' shit too.

djmrswhite - well, if you're the one guy out there who hasn't friended Mr. Dave White then go on and do it cuz he'll fuck yer shit up, yo.

abearius - Non sequiturs, knowing winks/nods, and informative passings-on of political and social news. Jeff is all kinds of goodness.

Fav Fridays Part II

I'm off to LA to see MIKA with
garycotti, and Hot Scott tonight. Here's a vid if you're the only gay in the village who doesn't already know about this slick poptastic freddie mecury inspired maybegaybe...

This is the video for "Love Today"...

image Click to view

Click here for a live performance of "Relax Take it Easy"

friends, lj, concerts, music, fav fridays

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