My Wireless Existance, Cocktail's Departure, and Other News

Jun 02, 2007 18:43

Headed over to Target and Best Buy today.  Both of these places are evil and should be destroyed.  At Best Buy I had to stop at the Xbox 360 and play some Guitar Hero 2.  The guitar didn't have a strap though so it was a little tough to do my thing.  Embarrassing moment, getting caught by my buddies Karl and Chris while playing (but hey, they were shopping for game guides and a copy of "Dante's Peak" so who really has the problem here?).  Of course, I then went over to the PS2 section and played Free Bird with some guy.  I'm sick.  I did pick up a neat little USB Tivo Wireless Network adapter that I was super easy to set up and now my Tivo is back on the network exchangin' photos, programs, and music with my TV.  I can also watch Tivo on my laptop in the bedroom (on the toilet, in the kitchen, or on the patio) so that's pretty snazzy too.  Other items picked up: Arcade Fire's Neon Bible (had it on Rhapsody only before), new Kaiser Chiefs, Satellite Party (Perry Ferrel's new band), season 1 of the venture brothers, and season 6 of south park.

Stopped in at Target to buy a couple of things for a surprise that shall be named later and ended up buying beach and bath towels, shorts, polo shirts, and a new swim suit.  Again, Target is evil.

The bar went well last night.  It was decently busy due to the rodeo going on this weekend.  I work again tonight as well.  I'm helping to train a new bartend who will be working the Fri/Sat shift (the one I'm currently filling in for).  He's a good guy and it was a lot of fun last night.  Plenty of the guys stopped in, including
bearxxl and
mrrealestate among others.  There was another new addition to the bar as well, but I'll hold off on being the one to announce that :-)

In other news,
funbearsd is moving to NYC to spread his gayness about.  It's the end of an era.  He and I have been friends since around '98 I think.  He's my closest friend here in SD and it's gonna suck having him gone.  It hasn't really sunk in yet I don't think.  In the good news department I'm not losing a friend, I'm gaining a place to stay when I visit NYC (already planning a trip for Sep or Oct).  Here's a collage I put together for the going away party we're having for him next weekend:

For those of you needin' a little humor, here's a deleted scene from "Knocked Up" that I thought was worth a chuckle or three:

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friends, tech stuff, consumer whorism

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