LAzer Update

Mar 02, 2007 14:46

So, here's where I'll be tonight (link isn't very work safe)

To quote Little Red Riding Hood from Into the Woods - I am both "Excited and scared"...  But mostly excited...mostly...

Tomorrow I plan on seeing mr aairplane and doing things n' stuff.  Apart from that, nothing really planned other than going to the Dandy's show that evening and out for a beer after.

Sunday I would very much like to have pancakes at the house o' ADA but that is going to be dependent on just how F'd up LA is with the Marathon going on (I really wish they would have checked with me before hand on this one).  And then it's over to the Arclight to see Zodiac with some o' the boys.

Looking forward to being up North again.  Will I see you there?

friends, la, concerts, travels

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