Our Songs are Bitter

Feb 27, 2007 14:31

I took yesterday off because I wasn't feeling too hot. Not sure what it was but it put me in a foul mood and I couldn't seem to get myself in the right gear. By about 5pm I was feeling okay so I decided to go ahead and work my shift at PECs. When I got there I thought I had made a big mistake because I immediately felt a little sweaty and off my game. That could have had something to do with how warm it was inside though (smile). By about 8pm or so I was feeling good and was actually in a much better mood. The bar was pretty crowded too with pool league and hryguyinsd and Chip along with some of my fav regulars were in house. bearxxl came by too which was nice. I did have to throw a guy out (he of the tragic hair piece and vodka tonic ilk). You can always tell the amateur drunks because they seem so surprised that you are cutting them off or tossing them out. Around 12:30 my energy really tanked and it was around this time that my two new regulars showed up with about ten of their friends to drink and play pool. These guys are full on early 20s Abercrombie hipster gays. The 29 inch waists, the fab hair, trendy clothes etc and so on but they're actually kinda fun and for some reason they really seem to dig my style. They're bartenders at some of the hipper new places where the kids like to go and I think they like coming to PECs where all the pretension is left at the door. They've taught me some new shots and they tip like I've just dealt them a winning hand of blackjack at the Bellagio. The night was topped off by a handsome gentleman who I'm a fan of coming in with his partner to celebrate handsome g's birthday. Best part? I'm the one who got the present.

In the bad news department when I got home my stomach decided to let me know that it was still in charge of the big decisions in my life. I think I might have to break down and improve my diet. At 33 I'm not sure how much longer I'm gonna get away with sandwiches, diet soda, sushi, and chips as fuel.

So today I'm home once again. I decided to give myself one more day to get back in the groove. I glanced at work email earlier and there's a lot for me to sort through come tomorrow. Some good. Some bad. Well, not bad, but changes are in the works. Will have to put my manager cap on full tilt.

Parting thoughts?

If you are a Heroes fan like I am, do me a huge favor and put your spoiler filled posts behind cuts until 48 hours after the ep airs. Yes, I know I can scroll but I have little to no willpower when it comes to Heroes posts so help me out, eh?

I had the weirdest dream last night that a girl band made up of tweens had done covers of the original songs from the cartoon show Jem. Please, please tell me this was a dream and that I didn't fall asleep while it was playing on the TV.

BSG - Love the show but I'm ready for an episode that stirs things up a bit. The last scene in Sunday's Ep was cribbed from far too many other shows (re: corny late for first day bla bla).

30 Rock - If you aren't watching this show you are directly contributing the mentality that allows terrorism to exist in this world. And you make the angels weep.

Sarah Vowell
- Reading her book Take the Cannoli: Stories From the New World and loving it. A great mix of home-spun wisdom and political commentary (and she was the voice of the daughter in The Incredibles).

life, bullet points, tv, work, being sick

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