Last Night and the Weekend Ahead (and Rhoda)

Dec 14, 2006 16:39

Whoa - the PECs Christmas Party was pretty nutty last night.  I usually go into it thinking it'll be lame and I won't have a good time and this time around was no different.  I cooked up my Trader Joe's shrimp wrap thingys (thanks to funbearsd for cluing me in on those) and walked on down to the bar.  Spent most of the first hour just passing out food to all of our regulars.  See, the party is a "customer appreciation" one so they get free food and booze for an hour or so.  After I was done with my food duty I kicked a few beers back and caught up with a lot of the bartenders I don't see all that often.  I also reintroduced myself to the owners ("Remember me?  I work here on Mondays") since I rarely ever see them.  So yeah, once I had a few beers in me I was able to relax and enjoy myself.  My bud Jeremy (who's a monday regular) came in with new friend Dave from Poway and we continued on with the good times.  I stumbled home around 10 or so with my Christmas bonus in my back pocket and a fab new PECs "staff" shirt that says "no whiners" on the front.  Hehe.

Plans moving forward?

Heading North tomorrow after work to meet up with Hot Scott.  Once I get settled I'll head to The Abbey (hopefully Hot Scott will be able to come along too) to meet up with the LA boys for a night of drinking and PopStarz.  Should be the usual mixture of drinking, making out, and random acts of silliness.

(Thought occurs to me.  Rose + Yada --> Can we start calling them Rhoda for short? -- I LIKE IT!)

On Saturday morning I've got brunch plans... Afterwards I plan on meeting up with Cobb, White, Helms, and whoever else wanted to come along for the Bizarre Bazzar.  Really lookin' forward to banging out some of my Christmas shopping there.

Not sure what I'll do on Saturday evening.  Will play that by ear and hopefully get to spend some more time with Hot Scott.

Sunday I plan on going to Disney for a while.  Any LA folk that want to come along are welcome.  Rob and Dave were both maybe'ing some.

Just 6 work days to go 'til I'm off for the Holidays!

In "oh crap" news, it looks like I will have to work at the bar on Christmas Day.  There's no one available to take my shift and unless I can convince my boss to roll without me I'm stuck.  Just means I'll have to split from Bakersfield on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning after we do presents. (sigh)

And finfinfin comin' out for a visit for New Years!

holidays, disney, friends, life, la, rhoda, work

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