My Day as it Stands

Nov 07, 2006 13:24

Got up this morning working on 5 hours of sleep and made my way to the polls.  Two of the four electronic ballot machines were broken so with only three people in front of me it still took about 35 minutes to get my chance to touch the grimy screen...  And guys, really... I dig y'all a lot but could we maybe all agree to forgo with the "go vote", "vote", "remember to vote" posts next time around?  I mean, unless you really have something to say about the issues or the candidates...  And yes, it's your journal, your life, your world - post what you like.  But my poor little scroll button is just about worn out...

I stopped by Best Buy to pick up Guitar Hero 2.  They only had it with the guitar in box (no solo games) so yeah, i geeked the fuck out and picked it up.  So now I have a spicy red guitar to go with my two black ones.  Anyone in SoCal need a 2nd guitar?  They had it set up on an in-house PS2 so i went ahead and played Tripping a Hole in a Paper Heart by STP, You Really Got me Now covered by Van Halen, and Who Was in my Room Last Night by the Butthole Surfers.  I went with medium because when i put it on hard it went immediately into triple chord madness and i wanted to save that for my masturbatory sessions at home.  Not any huge changes other than that it's all new and seems to be a little more challenging.  I was able to five star two of the songs and 4 star another.  Had a nice little crowd watching too.  Yes - I do know this is sad.  You don't need to tell me.

All I want to do right now is go home and play GH2 but I have a bunch of reports to do and a meeting that is going to suuuuuuuck from 5:30 to 6:30 with a client that is based in Thailand and who pretty much sucks a fat one on all levels.

voting, guitar hero, geeky shit

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