Title: Never Meant To Be So Cold
lunaboClaim: Demyx
Characters: Demyx, Axel, Xigbar
Theme Set: Twilight
Theme: 4. Ice
Warnings: Teasing between Axel and Demyx that can be seen as Axel+Demyx; Xigbar+Demyx
Rating: PG-13 because of Xigbar cursing
Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners; lyrics from "Cold" belong to Crossfade
Notes: Title comes from the song "Cold" by Crossfade.
Thank yous:
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for KHII
The one thing that Demyx hated the most was that a lot of the Nobodies acted emotionless, almost cold. He understood from what Xemnas had said that really, they had no real emotions. It didn't make sense, though. Even if they were memories of their former selves, wouldn't that still count as emotions in some form? Or something?
It was all confusing to him and often just gave him a headache trying to figure it out.
Even without emotions, though, Nobodies could physically feel, and at the moment, he was freezing! It felt like his veins were pumping ice! This made him wonder if Nobodies had blood even...he really hadn't been paying attention...
And lately, the usually loudmouthed Xigbar had become pretty quiet around him....it was like a river of ice had formed between them, and it made Demyx sad. Stupid weather...stupid ice...
A warm hand on his shoulder made him jump what felt like a mile, and he whirled around to stare at a grinning redhead.
"You're freezing, Demyx."
"I know that! You don't need to tell me, Axel!" he yelled, still shaken at the sneak attack.
Axel was still grinning at him. Their elements may have been opposites, but they got along fairly well. This was probably due to the fact that they had a tendency to be rather loud. It was like a uniting of the loudmouths against the tight-lipped others. of course, they were both stubborn, so they argued a lot too.
"Jerk," mumbled Demyx, shaking a bit.
"Ya need to go warm up a bit. Look, I came to say bye..."
"Wha? What do you mean?"
"I've got a job with some of the others...we're going to be gone for a bit..."
Demyx shook his head. Why hadn't he heard any of this? "Why? Where are you going?"
"Castle Oblivion."
He had heard the name, of course, but hadn't entirely understood what was going to happen there. It wasn't like he had a tendency to zone out or anything...
"Don't worry about me," cooed Axel, sauntering closer to Demyx, and stroking his cheek like they were lovers. It was the usual banter between them. They knew it was just play.
"I won't," snapped the blonde, not having the urge to play. "Ummm..."
"I'll see ya soon."
"Yeah...take care..."
In truth, Demyx did worry...if it was really worrying. What if the redhead never came back? That'd be one less person to joke around with. He had a terrible feeling...Castle Oblivion...didn't the Superior mention something with that Sora guy...?
"Don' worry so much."
Twice! He jumped twice because of people sneaking up on him! Xigbar had that same annoying grin that Axel had earlier. They really loved to do that...
"Axel's unique. He'll be fine."
"A-are you going too, Xigbar?" It couldn't be, right? Xigbar was Number 2...Xemnas wouldn't...
"Nah. Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Axel, Marluxia and Larxene are goin'."
Just hearing most of the names made him shiver. Marluxia was freaky and Larxene could be pretty mean. Zexion was usually quiet...disturbingly so. Lexaeus seemed nice...but he was more silent than Zexion! And Vexen was scary...cold as ice, and all those things in his lab...
"Worried fer me? That's sweet."
"What is this? Pick on Demyx day?" scowled Demyx. Axel and Xigbar were the only ones who seemed to enjoy these type of games. It was eerie how much alike they could be at times...
"Nah. Came ta get ya...Axel lit a fire in my room..."
He blinked. "On purpose?"
"Asked him," said the one-eyed man, taking Demyx by the arm to get him moving. But his arm was warm...
"Let's say it's an apology, eh? Been kinda quiet around ya, and I know it bugged ya. I've been busy with some shit..."
Just the words made him warm up...Xigbar hadn't meant to be so cold to him...the ice was finally melting. Let everything else freeze. He was just fine.