I picked up my brains, but they're still runny.

Jul 01, 2008 12:27

Sorry about that! The third part has some parts missing, so I'll put it here. (See what happens after prolonged exposure to badfics?)

(WID ABOUT ME?!?!!?)

Demyx: Is that Kelli again? Why don’t they EVER die??!!

Axel: The sad thing is, I’m asking myself the same exact question.

I woke up to find myself in

Xigbar: A pit of snakes!

Axel: A room of rabid daschunds!

Demyx: A vat of boiling acid!

Zexion: The Never-Ending Story!

Everyone else: *stares at Zexion*

Zexion: I said nothing, I swear!

a room, I shoot up and notice that this was the infirmary Axel mentioned earlier. I looked around and saw Kelli in the bed still asleep."Kelli! Wake up!" She shot up and looked around."Where are we?" She asked."In the infirmary I guess, a guy named Roxas brought you here right?" She was silent but nodded."He had these things called keyblades-oh you've should've seen the battle I had a cool scythe in my hand and I BURNED he guy, but he apparently still stood and beat me up....I don't know why he brought me to the imphermary anyway."

Axel: Marluxia called, and he wants his scythe back!

Demyx: Imphermary? Im-pher-mary. Im-pher-mary. Im-pher…

Xigbar: Shut up!

Demyx: Sorry…

I shrugged. Somebody walked into the room, he had blonde hair, but he looked kindof like an old woman in a way.

Vexen: *from outside the theater* AN OLD WOMAN??!!

*there are booming noises outside the theater*

Vexen: I shall get your fic, and your little fangirls too! *Does creepy evil laugh*

Everyone else: *scared as hell*

It freaked me out a little."Ah-so I see you two are awake, it's gonna take you guys a while to even walk. Maybe 3 days, maybe a week." His voice even freaked me out."Who are you anyway?"
"My name is Vexen, I'm apparently your docter till you guys are better."
I sighed. I heard another knock on the door and I smelled food behind the door."Come in." It smelled so good, I felt like I had a tail wagging and Demyx, Roxas, and Axel came in. I blinked a few times, until I saw some pizza!"Are those for us?" Axel sighed."No we came in here inorder to eat 30 pizzas infront of your faces."

Axel: *sigh* I wish that I wasn’t sarcastic at this moment.

Demyx: Let’s hope that Vexen poisoned the food, so we can be rid of them soon.

Demyx looked at Axel."That's kinda mean Axel-" Axel slapped his forehead."NO DEMYX WE ARE HERE TO EAT WITH THEM!!!!!" I sweatdropped."oooooooh then why didn't you say so?"
Roxas started pulling Axel away from Demyx."Is this kid really that stupid?" They both shook their heads."Normally he's mot like this."

Zexion: Yes, normally Demyx, you have a high IQ, but just you spazz out weirdly and are totally bizarre.

Demyx: Thanks Zexio- HEY!

They both sat next to me and Kelli."Oh and hey about last night...."I started to say."Hey no hard feelings Stephanie, you were trying to protect yourself." I nodded and smiled."So here." He handed me some pizza, I looked at it, then him. I shook my head and he frowned."Why?" He asked me, I laid back down and looked at the ceiling."I'm not hungry." My stomach growled and I sweatdropped.*stomach no cooperate.*

Axel: *as Stephanie* Stomach no cooperate. Sue angry. Sue smash!

Demyx: I’m amazed that at first we want to kill her, and then we’re bringing them pizzas? What has this world come to? *buries head in hands*

He sighed and stood up."Atleast a bite?" I shook my head."Please Stephanie?" Demyx asked, I smirked but shook my head."I litsen to nobody."

Axel: Again with the literature sensei?

Demyx: My pun senses are tingling…

Roxas, Demyx, and Axel smirked."Then eat the pizza." I glared."I didn't you hear what I said? I take orders from nobody!" Axel smiled and shook his head."Don't you get it? We ARE nobody."

Axel: … My badfic self has an awful sense of grammar.

I cocked my head."We are people who don't have a heart and find a way to have one."

Demyx: *as Xenmas* By controlling Kingdom Hearts!

Axel: *as Xenmas* Which is eternal, like light and darkness!

Xigbar: *as Xenmas* Which will forever more fight with one another, and the darkness will win!

Zexion: *snoring*

Everyone else …

Axel: Do Xenmas’ speeches really make him fall asleep?

Demyx: I think it’s an involuntary reaction. Like this. *shouts in Zexion’s ear* EMO! EMO! EMO!

Zexion: *rips seat to shreds in front of him, but continues sleeping*

Everyone else: *scoots away from Zexion. Far, far away from him*

Roxas awnsered, my eyes widened."I'm not suprised, Roxas already told me last night." Kelli said. I looked down *people without hearts? Then they wouldn't have emotion right?*.

Axel: They already leapt to that conclusion? Usually, when people learn we have no hearts, they think we’re zombies or something.

"Don't feel sympothy Stephannie, we're still fine." Demyx said as he put his hand on my shoulder."Don't worry, it kinda reminds me of myself, I can't feel the real anger that is hard to control, I won't feel guilt of what I would do, sometimes I won't feel real sadness for someone else, like death. If I ever cry, it'd be out of fear and pain, not sadness, if I was ever angery, it would only be for a few seconds."

Axel: *as Demyx* If I make long monologues about how I have no emotions, then the world is freezing over. Just wanted to let you know that!

Demyx: *confused* Did I turn into Xenmas or something?

Zexion: *wakes up at the mention of Xenmas* Yes Superior, I’m listening…

Xigbar: So that’s what Zexion is really doing during mission reports. He’s sleeping.


Axel: *snickers* Sure you don’t.

Zexion: *La-lexicon!*

Axel: Ow! Hey!

I looked up."Hm, pretty interesting, we just feel nothing. It's weird."
"How did it happen?"
"We had no choice, so now to the next subject, just have some pizza or starve!"

Demyx: Yes, PLEASE starve, we beg of you!

Axel held the pizza close to my face."Look, after that pretty cut you gave me from that uppercut with your CHAKRAMS!!!

Demyx: *starts singing as Sue* My scar’s so pretty, and so witty, and so pretty…

Xigbar: *WHACK!*

Axel: Thanks, Xigbar.

Xigbar: No problem.

I'm not gonna be swallowing like I would." Kelli glared at Axel and he smiled innocently."Hey I had to inorder to convince you." I smiled evily."But you didn't." My stomach growled again."Just eat!" Roxas yelled. I wolfed down the pizza."Happy?!" Demyx's eyes sparkled."She is a doggie!" I sweatdropped."No I'm not a dog, I'm human." Demyx cocked his head."But I thought you were, Xigbar called you a runt and Kelli a stray." I sighed."That's because that geezer likes to tease us thinking we're the underdog of this."

Xigbar: GEEZER?! *twitches*

Demyx: Now, now, Xigbar, you can kill her later. Please don’t summon your guns…

Xigbar: But I want to kill her now!

Axel: Xigbar, how about this: All four of us will hunt this author down and give her a piece of our minds, okay?

Xigbar: *nods and chuckles evilly*

Zexion: *raises hand* I’d like to not be a part of this, thank you.

Demyx: But she called you… emo.

Zexion: *twitches* Okay, that BRAT IS GOING DOWN!

Axel looked at me wierdly."And you think that why?"
"Cause it seems that way to me." Axel shrugged."It would seem that way to me too."Kelli said. I looked at the pizzas and my stomach was still growling. I reached out for two slices put I couldn't reach it, I ended up anime crying.

Xigbar: Anime crying?

Axel: It’s another word for “crocodile tears”. She’s expecting someone to take pity on her and give her some pizza.

Demyx: *as himself* No pizza for you! Bad doggy!

*Just one more inch stomach and we will be happy!* When I almost grabbed it, Demyx grabbed them and was about to take a bite, but ended up biting nothing. He looked at his hands, then around the room to find to pizzas in my mouth and I was chewing them."Hey! That was my pizza!" I swallowed them whole then looked back at him."Exuse me, what did you say?" He looked at me with a very sad face."Uhhhh is there something wrong?" Roxas sighed."Here we go agai-" Demyx glared at me."YOU ATE MY PIZZA!!!!!"

Demyx: Yes! Go badfic me! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Zexion: Somehow, that’s very IC for Demyx.

Demyx: HEY!

Zexion: *shrugging* Just saying…

I glared back."Exuse me, last time I checked it was all of OUR pizza NOT just yours!" Demyx and I started yelling at eachother until Kelli yelled at us since we gave her a headache."Won't you guys just SHUTUP!!!!!" We both glared at her."Don't get into our business."We both said at the same time, she scooted away from us."They're starting to scare me."
Soon after all the yelling we got to calm down and apologise since now Roxas and Axel got pissed off."Finally, now let's have some soda man I'm parched." I said laying on my back."They should've been here by now."Axel said."I think he's running late that's all." Then Vexen finally walked out of the room."I'm leaving."

Demyx: Vexen’s so lucky…

*finally....* I sighed in satisfaction and looked around the room."So right, can you...uh tell me about this place?" Axel replied."This place is known as Castle Oblivion were us nobodies live. Castle Oblivion is in a world called The World that Never was, where is where Kingdom Hearts is."

Axel: The Castle That Never was Oblivion in Kingdom Hearts? First time I’ve heard about that castle.

Demyx: And we don’t live in Castle Oblivion! There are no bedrooms there!

Xigbar: But does that stop the brat from saying it is? No.

I became deep in thought and eventually went into a daze."STEPHANIE!!!! THE SODA'S HERE!!!" Demyx yelled into my left ear making me lean to the right."Do you....have to be so loud?" Demyx nodded and smile while passing me a coke.

Demyx: *as himself* Yes, I have to be loud so I can make you DEAF!

Axel: Where did we get the coke and pizza from? It’s not like we have a store near Castle Oblivion.

Zexion: It’s all from the Grocery Store that Never Existed.

"Thank you." I chugged it down and drank more and more till in the end I belched loudly."Nice one." Roxas said."How very MANLY of you."Axel said before he drank his soda." I smirked."What can I say, if I was ladylike then I would feel like I'm tamed-I want to stay WILD."

Everyone: …

Demyx: Now that’s just wrong.

I laughed."Hey Stephanie want a rootbeer float." Demyx passed one to me, I shrug and grabbed it.

Xigbar: That girl is going to burst from all the food she’s eating.

Axel: The good thing is, she’ll die, but the bad thing is, we’ll have to clean up the remains of exploded Sue.

Demyx: *cringes at the thought of it* Eeewww…

Kelli yelled no while I'm chugging it down, she reach out her hand and it was all gone. I hiccupped a few times. Roxas smiled."What did you do Roxas?" Kelli asked him, he said."No~thing >:3 just some spiking.

Axel: YES! Roxas spiked her drink with poison!

Demyx: And the Sue died, and everyone rejoiced, The End.

Xigbar: But what about the other Sue?

Demyx: … we beat Kelli to a pulp, and she died, and there was even more rejoicing, The End.

" Axel looked at me for a few seconds."Hey Stephanie, you ok?" I looked at him with a wierd look on my face."No I'm not." Demyx put his hand on my forehead."You seem fine to me."
"No I'm not! I'm friggen happy and there's nothing you can do about it!"
I crossed my arms and looked away."Uh that makes no sens-"
"YOU MAKE NO SENSE, Why do you have pure red-SPIKEY hair!"
"The pure red is natural, but with all the spikes. Hair gel-"


Zexion: Methinks the Nobody doth protest too much.

Axel: *Flame*

"LIAR!!!!.....meep meepity."


Demyx: Axel, you’re a hamster! *snickers*

Axel: *Ca-chakram!*

Demyx: The attack is non-effective!

Xigbar: *already ticked off, shoots Demyx to the ground*

Demyx: Attack is… super effective! Your opponent faints! *passes out*

Axel: Lucky…

"o.O wait what?"
They all looked at me wierdly."meeeeeeeeep-" I passed out onto my bed. They all looked at me wierdly even more."She....passed out...."Axel looked at me in the face.

Axel: *as himself* And she’s dead! Hurray!

"She's not faking it." Kelli looked at Demyx."Hey prince charming, kiss sleeping beauty and wake her up." Roxas laughed a little and Demyx looked at her, then me."But she might hate me...." Kelli flinched."You actually took it seriously?" She laughed."I was just kidding!" Axel patted him on the back."Demyx you have to not take things so seriously."

Demyx: *regains consciousness* What happened?

Axel: Basically, Hyperactive fangirl is asking you to kiss Miss I have Two Voices in Me, and you almost did.

Demyx: *to Xigbar* Could you shoot me again? I don’t want to be awake for the rest of this fic.

Xigbar: *checks guns* Sorry, out of bullets.


Demyx looked down, then he heard."Haha, you got to really loosen up." He looked and saw me."Y-you heard the whole thing?" I nodded."You got to stop taking jokes ok, trust me you're gonna hear alot of it from me-" Kelli interupted me."AND ME!!!" Demyx sweatdropped."uh-ok then." I smiled."Good cause a wimp like you got to stop taking jokes...it's wierd since you're like a little dorky kid."


MCP: *zaps Demyx* Stop the misuse of the caplock key, please.

Demyx: Thank you, MCP. *passes out once again*

Zexion: He is a dork.

Demyx: *regains consciousness again* I heard that!

He looked down. I shook my head."I.was.kidding!" I laughed and Demyx playfully punched my arm."Hey!" I laughed again."You're gonna have to get use to it! I told you already!"

Axel: Is that it? Please tell me that’s it.

MCP: The Badfic is over. You all may leave now.

Axel: FREEDOM, BABY! *teleports out*

Xigbar: I’m going to get more bullets. *teleports out*

Demyx: *grumbles something about the death of Jiminy Cricket and fangirls and then teleports out*

Zexion: *looks around* Peace and quiet… *takes out Never-ending story and starts to read*
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