My brains are still leaking out of my ears onto the floor.

Jul 01, 2008 11:08

 First spork! Second part.

We both started to pant until we both sat down next to eachother drinking tea.

Axel: Who’s this eachother you speak of?

Demyx: And why is it randomly drinking tea?

Axel: *in a sinister voice* We may never know…

I sighed and looked into the sky.*Hmm, I have a feeling that something big's gonna happen.* A voice spoke inside me.

Axel: *as Sue* Like OMG! I have a voice inside of me speaking!

Demyx: *as voice* Is that big enough for ya, Sue?

***Ofcoarse something big is gonna happen!!! Trust me it's dangerous and your life is on the line for it too. You are prepared right?***

Xigbar: … Did the voice just agree with itself?

Demyx: There are now officially two voices within this girl’s body, which makes her officially crazy.

Axel: *as TV news announcer* Headline News! Two voices are discovered within a girl’s body! Doctors are trying to remove these voices without making this Sue normal! Stay tuned!

I looked down, then looked at my friend, I looked past her, then my eyes widened.

Demyx: *looks down, looks at Axel, and looks past Axel*

Axel: What are you trying to do?

Demyx: *wiping his eyes in pain* It hurts to look in so many places at once!

*Was this what you were talking about?!* ***Well take a closer look and see what's inside. Remember it's based on Darkness and it might bring you anywhere....ANYWHERE! so be prepared for the worst!***

Xigbar: The darkness is now a proper noun? As if!

Axel: Yes, the darkness is just not as scary as The Darkness.

Demyx: Is that a band?

Axel and Xigbar: =_=

I nodded and gave off a serious look.

Axel: Yes, they now sell serious looks at the nearest grocery store.

Kelli looked up at me and saw me walking towards a dark portal-like thing. She got up and grabbed my arm stopping from going.

Xigbar: *tries to read sentence again and make sense of it, but fails*

Axel: *does the same*

Demyx: *doesn’t even try, just stares at the screen and gives a small whimper*

"Stephanie what are you doing?!"

Axel: *as Kelli* …with all those missing commas?

Demyx: *as Stephanie* I don’t know, I think I’m going to use them as weapons!

I looked at her, then the portal."Taking danger by the horns, let's go." I smirked evily and she nodded as we ran into the portal. Into danger!

Axel: I TOLD you they were evil!

Xigbar: …and crazy out of their minds.

I LOVE danger! >:3

Xigbar: See the evidence?

Demyx: *hides underneath the chair* Save me from the evil emoticon!!!

Soon we fell out of the portal and fell onto a white marble floor. I got up rubbing onto the arm that I landed on.

Demyx: *sitting back in his chair* Axel, do we have random arms laying on the floor in Castle Oblivion?

Axel: No, I think that’s supposed to be Vexen’s laboratory.

Demyx: *looks scared*

Kelli was already up, but she was wearing a dress....AND LOOKING OLDER?!?!"Kelli you've grown!"

Demyx: Wait a sec… *pulls out a huge instruction sheet out of his coat and starts reading aloud* Dark portals have several side effects: Loss of memory, brain damage, submission to the darkness, loss of limbs, and death. No where does it say that dark portals make people older.

Axel: …And nowhere does it say that you wear a dress every time you come out of a portal.

Xigbar: *shudders*

She looked down noticing the dress, then she saw her-now very long-hair on her sides.

Axel: Her-now and the amazing adventures of his sidekick Long-hair!

She looked at me with a shocked looked on her face."Stephanie you look older too!" I around for a mirror and I saw my reflection, I had blonde highlight hair, but only in the front, the rest was my normal brown, I looked at myself in confusion.

Demyx: *as Stephanie* OMG! MY hair’s a different hair color! What will I ever do?

Xigbar: This is the first time I’ve heard of a mirror in Castle Oblivion.

Axel: Nah, that’s Vexen’s laboratory, I told you. He’s using mirrors to construct a death ray beam that can take out entire worlds. *sips soda*

Xigbar and Demyx: *look scared*

***Ah, if you want to know your age, it's 19. Tell your friend that she's 15. Trust me she would want to know.*** I nodded and looked at Kelli."Hey, apparently that portal that we went through changed our ages for some reason....for me I'm 19 years old and you're 15." She looked at me wierdely."And how can you tell?" I smirked."Pyschic that's all."

Demyx: *as Stephanie* No, I actually have two voices in my body who tell me everything, don’t you have it?

Axel: *as Kelli* No, I must buy one, along with a serious look at the nearest grocery store!

I laughed, but only for a few seconds when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around fast and saw someone in a black trenchcoat, I looked at whoever it was with curiousity.and fear."Who are you?"

Demyx: Let’s see, only 1 out of 13 chances to get this right.

"Oh I forgot, you can't see who I look like, sorry about that."
It was a guy that's all I know, but why would a guy like that be so skinny.

Axel: Yes, Xigbar, why are you so skinny?

Xigbar: *reading ahead and chuckling evilly* Actually, that’s not me.

Axel: You mean…

He took off his hood and he had pure red spikey hair and he had these little marks below his green eyes."The name's Axel. A-x-e-l. Got it memorized?"

Axel: *headdesk* I’m not skinny, those little marks under my eyes are diamonds, and my hair’s not pure red! It has darkish-red highlights!!

Demyx: Just tell yourself that, Axel. *chomps on popcorn*

Axel: *burns the popcorn so it explodes*

Demyx: Aw, my popcorn…

"Hmm let's see, A-x-e-l. Yeah I think I'll remember that. Now my name's Stephanie S-t-e-p-h-a-n-i-e. Got it memorized?" I smirked.
"Yeah I do-" I interupted him.
"Good cause you're going to ned to if we see eachother nexttime." At that moment I grabbed Kelli and ran away from him.

Xigbar: Again with this eachother dude! And now a dude called nexttime has joined him!

Axel: They’re gathering forces to take us down! Run away!

Demyx: *stands up to run away*

Axel: *pulls Demyx back into his seat* Nice try, sitar boy.

Demyx: At least I tried…

I ran as far as my leg could've taken us.

Xigbar: *flabbergasted* Now she has only one leg? Is she some kind of pirate dude?

Axel: No, she probably sold her leg for another voice in her body.

Kelli looked at me."Why did you do that?" I panted and took a breathe."I did it so....we can get away from the guy....he had something bad about him." She nodded and we heard footsteps again, but this time above us? We looked up and saw a guy wearing the same black trenchcoat, but he had a scar down his right cheek and an eyepatch on his left eye.*Oh great, another guy, but this time he's more scarier*. He looked down at us, the next second he was infront of us."Well well well, so this was who superior was talking about, you two are just little runts." I stood up fast. "Exuse me but I'm 19!" He just laughed."And yet you're only about 5'0? Comeon I've seen taller women." I glared at him. "I'm only 5'4!" He laughed again, I'm started to get angery with this geezer.

Xigbar: I’m… A GEEZER!!?? * summons his guns*


Xigbar: *releases hell on the theater, but spares the concession stand*

*Everyone comes out of their hiding places and they return to their seats*

Xigbar: *fumes about being called a geezer*

Demyx: Scary…

"You're only a runt to me anyway, hm? You wanna fight me don't you? Well I do have to capture you and your friend." Then all of a sudden these things appearred in his hand.***Stephanie those are guns! You have to run now!***

Axel: Don’t listen to the voice! It’s trying to deceive you!

Demyx: *as voice* Stephanie! This man speaks nonsense!

Xigbar: Stop trying to quote KH2, please.

I stood there looking at them in fear.

Xigbar: And then I shot her in the head, The End.

"I see that you've never have seen the real thrill of battle. Looks like it's your lucky day kid." I still stood there, I was thinking on how we should escape but what trouble there might be on the way, like how there might be more people, more STRONGER people. Especially this "superior", he's obviously the strongest.

Axel: No DUH. Why do you think he’s called the “Superior”, then?

Xigbar: I don’t get it! My badfic self is just standing there without shooting them. And they’re just standing there! *summons guns again*

Demyx: Xigbar, that’s going to do nothing to the badfic, and the MCP will fry us anyways.

Xigbar: I want to destroy something…

Axel and Demyx: *scoot away from him*

"Hey Kelli?" She looked up at me."Yeah?" I was still looking at the guns."We're going to have to split up, but hopefully we'll eventually meet without any trouble right?"
"We'll split up on three.
The same dark portal arrived and Axel came through it."I see you caught up to them, Xigbar-" I yelled loudly,"THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!" That split second later we ran away from them as far as possible.
I stopped by a lounging room and I found a guy with an emoish haircut reading this big book that looked like it would never end.

Zexion *from outside the theater* I DO NOT HAVE AN EMO HAIRCUT!!!

Demyx: *shouts* Zexion’s reading the “Never-ending Story”, which is for babies!

Zexion: *warps in* NO I DON’T!! *tries to warp out but can’t*

Axel: Well, Zexy, looks like you’re stuck with us!

Zexion: *picks up the popcorn machine and dumps it all over Axel* Anyone else want to make a stupid remark about me?


Zexion: *sits in a seat and sulks*

He was also wearing the same kind of trenchcoat.*What is up with these people wearing the same kind of trenchcoat?* He looked up at me."Oh. It's YOU." He sighed and stood up."Well superior told me to retreive you, so either come with me or face a battle that might reason in death."

The Pile of Popcorn (AKA Axel): Reason in death?! *turns to Zexion* So, are you going to have a philosophical debate about death or something? Cause that’s really going to stop her.

Zexion: *Pours the soda machine all over the pile of popcorn*

I gulped and he looked at me emotionlessly."Sorry man, but comeon, with a deal like that I'm gonna have to-"I turned around quickly and started running "-see ya later!!!!" I ran though the doors and he just sigh and sat back down reading the book."Annoying girl...."

Zexion: That’s the most IC thing I’ve said so far.

Demyx: That’s the most IC thing you’ve done so far.
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