Cross-posting: Do You Has It?

May 25, 2008 01:50

Title: Show Me Who's the Truly Superior One
Author: Candrex

Four shadows. One for terrible formatting, one for HUGE OOC breaches, one for gratuitous canon-rape as well as poorly-written actual rape, and one for grammar and my brain breaking. My fanfiction isn't great and this still makes me want to cry.

Full Names: Zexion and Lexaeus
Full Species: Cannonicus-Nobodious Rapiteous
Hair Colors: Presumed as canon/Red
Eye Color: Presumed as canon
Unusual Markings/Colorations/Physical Features: Lexaeus has D-cup pecs. I'm not even gonna elaborate on the "as big as Zexion's arm" thing.
Special Possessions: Rapetastic clones and very expensive, tailor-made pants.

Origin: The whitest depths of Hell.
Connections To Canon Characters: They're them in the kind of alternate dimension that drops nukes on Gummi Ships upon disembarkment.
Special Abilities: Zexion's face thinks for itself and Lexaeus is a complete, rapeable wimp.
Other Annoying Traits: Mostly the rape of Lexaeus. And him enjoying it because apparently they're "boyfriends".

I Say/Notes: Okay, I like this pairing. Go ahead and shoot me. I don't like this fic because it completely rapes this pairing in several senses of the word. That and the fact that all the pretty writing is saved for Larxene in the epilogue, ftw? Redeeming factors: The grammar isn't horrible, and it's not unoriginal in the way that Rokuaku is not unoriginal, as in: it could be interesting but it isn't. It's the kind of fic where the roles are switched, but so are the personalities, so it isn't really original at all.

Sample: His pecs are over nine-thousand.

Well, thus ends my first sporking. Hope I did okay! Hey, maybe my humor looks better in comparison with the horrid backdrop of badficcy sludge. :D
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