100 Steps Chapters 77 & 78

Feb 18, 2009 11:12

Title: Timeout
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Cloud/Riku
Theme: [077.] Pride
Word Count: 4,167
Rating: R
Summary: Riku makes a pit stop in Hollow Bastion.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing related to the Kingdom Hearts (or Final Fantasy) franchise. I’m sure it shows.

( Timeout)

Title: Of Impulse and Explosions
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Cloud/Riku
Theme: [078.] Greed
Word Count: 3,612
Rating: R
Summary: It was best to keep them out of it. Cloud was done.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing related to the Kingdom Hearts (or Final Fantasy) franchise. I’m sure it shows.

Author’s Note: That’s right, bitches. I’m not done yet.

( Of Impulse and Explosions)

( Prompt Table) for previous installments. 78/100 Complete.
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