Title: Of Unbelievable Proximity
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Cloud/Riku
Theme: [075.] Hurt
Word Count: 4,660
Rating: R
Summary: Wherein Riku is both relieved and can’t believe how incredibly close it was all this time.
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing related to the Kingdom Hearts (or Final Fantasy) franchise. I’m sure it shows.
Author’s Note: Here’s that week that goes by really fast because when I first planned I forgot that where Sora is in his own timeline is important, too. -smiles sheepishly- Oops.
Of Unbelievable Proximity)
Title: The Edge Restoration Committee
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Cloud/Riku
Theme: [076.] Magic
Word Count: 2,865
Rating: R
Summary: The next time he found him, Sephiroth was going to die.
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing related to the Kingdom Hearts (or Final Fantasy) franchise. I’m sure it shows.
The Edge Restoration Committee)
Prompt Table) for previous installments. 76/100 Complete.