Jan 19, 2006 17:43
I am pro choice, always have been, but you know what, I was never sure why. As I watch the Congress question judge alito I started to ask myself why I believe what I believe. I think I have always believed in pro choice because it was convienient for me because I hate kids but there is something deeper to this then just the surface I don't want kid. I asked wes about it because I wanted to talk out loud about it so I could clear up why I feel the way I do and we came to some intresting conclusions.
Wes says that life starts when the cord is cut, when you have rights. So I said well you techinicaly have rights at the beginning of the third trimester this is a valid point but I think, what if scientist discover that you start learning things the instant you are concieved I mean a life is a life and when you have a heart beat your life begins but is it ever not murder.
I can see the point of the far right in saying they are trying to protect life but I also see how women should have the right to choose because it is after all there bodies, all this happens to them and from everything I have ever read it is not a fun experience. Wes made the point that it should be rare and I agree but saying that, it is not really up to us it is up to women.
So women have the choice to kill this thing inside them. I mean that sounds harsh but Isn't it killing. I mean from anyway you look at it basically is ending a life or the oppurtunity for life. But again it is a womens choice so I guess my question is should women be allowed to make the choice, I am not saying that because I am question womens's intellegence I am saying that because how does any one deccieded to end a life that is not there own. Yet saying all that I still agree women should have the choice. but I don't have a choice to kill someone I mean if you look at a mentally handicapped person one could concievably say that they do not live much of a life so why are they allowed to live but this unborn thing that has done nothing but win the lottery of life be killed. Personally I don't think the state should be allowed to kill people either I.E. death penalty because the state should protect life but why is an unborn life worth so little when there is so much promise.
I am a man and understand that I will never really be able to understand this issue but I am just trying to fiquire it out in my head. Is it because the fetus is not rational, that was the reason that blacks where treated so badly for so long because they where thought of as less then a white person but over time people realized that black and white are the same. So what if scientist find out that a fetus has rationality I mean a child in this world has little rights to begin with but shouldn't that state do all it can to protect an inocent life. I realize that the United states often lets innocents die but in this case they say women have the right to. I know this sounds like the rantings of a lunitic but I just want to know why women have the choice to kill someone or at least the promise of one.
Why do they have that right. The supreme court says they have that right because it falls within the prenumbra of the right to privacy clause of the constitiution. So legally I know how women got that right but morally I mean it is a life right, it is something even at a month or two you can see the thing inside of a women growing becoming something so at what point does the tissue become something more than that. I just dont know, even saying all that I still think women should have the right but I dont know why. Then if you look at a flip of the coin like if a women gets raped or if protection was used and accidents happen but you know when the accidents happen if is not the unborn childs fault right yet the women can still end its life with in the first two trimesters. So is there another word for this thiing growing inside a womens body I mean saying it is a life implys something that you can take away as in someone took ther life from them so what would be a better word and is an unborn fetus really alive to begin with. I mean technically it is a parasite in a womens body. That is why some people have miscarrages because the body treats the fetus like an invader and kicks it out but if the fetus is healthly then why should someone be able to end the promise of life. I honestly just want to clear this up in my head so any info from the women out there would be great. But in my head I see this unborn thing as a life and if I had to make the choice with a partner I would be ending a life, right? but when it comes down to it I would still do it. So I am just putting that out there. I know that in my life I have been lucky not to have to make this decision with someone but if Ilooked at it I have to ask myself could I live with that and how do women live with that choice. After getting the abortion there has to be some post stress effects. And maybe this is why it should be rare because it is so tramatic for women. But like I said before I am a guy so I have never had to deal with a late period and all that encompasses. I have been involved in a few of those situations but luckly the period always came. So I am lucky and I realize that some people are not so lucky and that the choice is there for a last ditch thing not for birth controll but is it still ending life I mean is it a life to begin with? I just dont know. If it came down to it I would gladly stand outside the supreme court a pickeet for a womens right to choose butI would do that understanding that I am giving women the right to end a life. So yeah I just had to get that off my chest I am sorry I dont want to upset any one but this is a live journal and I fear that many men and women think either one way ore the other but don't know why. Personally I thinkg questioning your beliefs only makes them stonger because then when approached by someone you can have an answer that is not four words long. this issue is deep and I just want to have more of an opinion then BAD or GOOD!
Thats bains signing off.