Jan 09, 2006 11:11

I am happy today, I know I know it doesn't sound like me but I am happy. today was the first day of howard stern on sirius radio. I got up went out to my car turned it on and I heard freedom I heard an artist at his peak and although some people dont think radio is an art form I do and it made me happy to hear some one achieve freedom who worked so hard for it. I have been a radio fan for a while and I love to hear people just enjoying them selves on the radio. I think I like it because it is one of the only meduims that is not stationairy you cant listen to the radio and do anything as oppsosed to television where you have to sit. I mean I like tv since you know it basically raised me but I love the radio because it is like a warm blanket that slowly lulls you to sleep and makes you feel comfortable amd safe and at home.
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