Aug 20, 2005 17:59
Exciting news! Early this week, dad had brought up buying a used car for myself and David. This is necessary primarily due to the expensive insurance requirements that would come hand-in-hand with driving the Concorde. That fact has hindered both of my brothers and I in getting our complete license for the last year and a half (prior to that, my excuse is just laziness). I was excited by the prospect initially, but I tempered it with the realization that this process would likely take a month, if not a few.
However, on Friday, August 19th, I became the proud owner of a gently-used black 2000 Hyundai Accent.
I say it's mine only in technicality, as the car is in my name, when in actuality it belongs equally to David and I. Starting Monday, I'll be making phone calls regarding insurance rates (which should be dropping by about 46% sometime over the next week or two anyways). In a best-case scenario (unlikely, but best-case), I'll have a premium payment made within a week or two, and have my license shortly after school begins, if I can get the test in before the wave of high schoolers.
Plus, I never thought I'd be excited about a tape deck, since I can just swipe Amanda's now-useless tape adapter for Bigby. Woo!
David heads to Bonne Bay tomorrow for schooling in marine biology. The day he comes back (two weeks from today), Michael leaves for U of Manitoba 'til Christmas. It's gonna be weird with only one brother around for almost 4 months.