WTS [Wang] x1 PST

Jul 30, 2005 01:38

Gotta love chronic updates. I don't have any. Haven't done much... World of warcraft. I got me some new mage garbs, don't look like a frog anymore, and I finally ditched the Aboriginal Loincloth of Fiery Wrath. Tell me that isn't the most amusingly named item you have ever heard, and I will be suprised. Lost my student id card... but i found it. lost my driving permit.. turned up at the bank. lost my cellphone, its still mia. ants are obsessed with my desk. one just fell in my keyboard, poor guy, hope he makes his reflex save. Got a few gorillaz cds, and by cds i mean soundstracks on my computer. buying cds is for ninjas. Not much else happening. I need to clean my room... and stop using so many periods. Reminder for collin to tell dorian we are playing sunday afternoon. remind dorian five times, otherwise he'll end up at his grandmas birthday or something. Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time.
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