
Aug 08, 2011 09:00

I am genuinly shocked by the amount of rioting, looting, violence and hooliganism that has been occuring over the last couple of nights in London. Its clearly not a protest about the shooting by the police of a criminal (the details of which are a different matter) but just opportunistic yobs running around rioting, breaking in shops, smashing up the community and showing off to their mates.

I've heard various reasons for it but I'm amused that its already come down to a political slagging match with labour councillors blaming government cuts to youth services as the cause. I don't think a youth centre would make any difference to these particular individuals who clearly have a criminal intent and have no respect for society or people's property and livelihood.

The question is how to tackle it? You can't just arrest them all and put them in prison, there's probably no space and to be honest it wouldn't resolve the issues. I couldn't really comment on how to solve the problems. These are youths from poor backgrounds, probably living in cramped council homes and aren't given any encouragement to break out from it. I'm glad that I'm not a politician having to solve these issues, althoguh I could probably do a better job than the councils who are there at the moment who are always more worried about winning votes and keeping their seats than actually solving any problems.
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