Jul 05, 2008 08:15
The 4th of July went okay. I worked from 7am - 6pm (wasn't that bad, surprisingly), relaxed a bit, and then fixed some bacon burger dogs. That's right: bacon, hamburger, and hot dog... joining forces, uniting their powers to form a single artery-clogging, stomach-widening, universe-destroying monster... with cheese. Somehow, I feel that I've accomplished one of my life's purposes by making such a beast. To radical vegans, I say only this: eat that.
In other news, the time since my last lame pun has been reset to 0.
In other other news, I'm trying Windows Vista on my new laptop. It's really not that bad. The only problem I've had with it is the size of the operating system; it takes 2 GB to run, as opposed to Windows XP, which only takes 512 MB. So even though the specs are higher, it places an insane lag on Morrowind, and won't even run Halo properly. Understandably, I'm not even going to try Oblivion or Halo 2 until I get a couple more GB of RAM.
Everything that I have that doesn't require massive amounts of RAM works just fine. The internet driver seems to work better too. All in all I'm quite pleased, and once I shell out $100 for some more RAM I can probably set my XP aside for good.
I'm starting to work on my game again. I had put it on hold for a while until I could get RPG Maker to work on my Vista. It took a while, but I finally found a fix to an incredibly stupid problem, so production should pick back up soon enough. I'm currently refining the story (especially the beginning sequence of events) and rebalancing the character classes. I hate to give out much information without actually having any concrete work done... so I won't. In a nut shell, it'll contain a semi-original story (heavily inspired by other games) that goes out of its way to be anti-cliche in certain areas (which is cliche itself, in a way) and includes sidequests where you get to fight Al Sharpton, Captian Planet, and maybe even Rosie O'Donnell. I hope to have a demo of Act I out by the end of 2008. I say that only half-jokingly.