naboo says he'd know if howard was pushin up daisies somewhere and i reckon he's right, but i'm not really sure he's looked into it lately. he's got a lot on these days, getting claire up to date on his dvd collection and taking care of bollo's runny-eye problem
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Howard's not dead, none of you are. I can give you shaman specifics but you'll start yawning and thinking about kittens, so I don't really see the use.
What was the question again? Where I last saw Howard?
Confidential, bubblegumshoe.
Next question.
what are you being so secretive for? if he was asking you for another refill on that ointment again i already know all about that.
I don't go shouting your business around the place, Vince, so I don't know why you'd think I'd shout Howard's. Shamanic code of silence.
usually doesn't take him this long, though. admit that much, naboo. admit it. he might bray like a stone mule but he's taff when it comes to holding his ground. cos he's got so much to give, remember?
you don't gotta shout, you could whisper it in my ear, real soft and gentle, like clover hooves. or write it on a piece of paper, then tear it into little pieces and flush 'em. except i hope you'll just whisper.
Get off me, you berk. Some things are best kept secret. If you're such a great detective, you should know already.
The clues are all there.
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