Feb 07, 2006 23:57
GAHHH watever happen to just buying good quality ipod earphones under 20 bucks.... anybody know if they sell the original ones at the store, i went to the apple website, but they try to rip ya off by buying expensive ones, which errrr i honestly dont have the money lols to spend on a 30-40 earphones...
i heard also too that if you register your product at apple.com you get free earphones if the original ones break, mines are TOO old and the wire is coming off heh, anybody know if this rumor is true?
and well where can i get some good quality earphones for a cheap prize? yehhhhh i'm cheap lolz hahahah. or where can i get some original ipod earphones, the ones that come in the box when you purchase the ipod....
anybody know?