IAM a Ramdom Fool and so AreYou.

Feb 03, 2006 16:52

ahhhh! its been a damn fucken hell week, but its over with. OVER WITH!!!!!!!
lot of tension and energy been going on this week with peoples and teachers, both have been fustrated as hell, but its done. ISIS is shit by the way, it should just die and go to hell! Was going to go to school today, but heh i passed out and woke up at 3pm today hahaha, yeh just make up for the loss of sleep that I havent got this week. ah but i'm so glad though that the semester is over with, not concerned with grades or crap like that right now, just glad i'm HALF! way there. and yeh going to go hang with some friends and try to enjoy this weekend, i'm really needing it.

hmm, i guess in a way too i've realized were my akljfdklasjfklj!!!!!!fustration, and shit like that comes from, but right now i'm good. i'm good. talking to people that you'd sometimes feel pressured or hard to talk to, can sometimes make a difference when you actually talk to them, and I thank her a lot! by the way shes a teachers lolz (AKA Ms. White). and yeh could go more further into this, but right now.............. i'm far from experiencing that feeling right now!

went to sizzler's by the way....

food was great by the way lolz....
I devoured mines before I could take a picture heh...

then we JUMPED!!! lolz

AP Euroness.....

more random stuff heh.... hey its the end of 1st semester

on my way home....

I always see this when i'm coming home.... my own small motivation i guess heh..

Fin and end of 1ST SEMESTER YES!!!!!!!!!
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