found in translation

May 01, 2008 09:41

i forget most of the story behind this. i remember i wrote it specifically to be translated. i think i was having a babelfish italian email exchange w/ someone. but this was the only part i saved, so i no longer have any idea what led up to it. must have been crazy, though.

baci il mio asino marrone voi cane ripugnante dal capitalista! il vostro genere sarà schiacciato sotto il bootheel del nostro retribution furious! colza le vostre mogli & festività sui innards dolci dei vostri bambini del unborn! soltanto quando le vostre anime stesse sono state lanciate nelle profondità del hell vogliali si ricompensano guardando gli episodi ripetuti del magnum, p.i.

quando prendiamo le vostre madri nelle nostre basi per la penetrazione viziosa ed anima-cagliare savagry, quindi deplorerete l'errore dei vostri sensi ma non sentiremo i vostri cries del torment sopra i peals cacophonous del nostro proprio laughter, deridenti la situazione difficile tragica della vostra gente, porre tagliata & non disemboweled sulle vie gherone-coperte inoltre che risulteremo la musica realmente alto.

the original:

kiss my ass you filthy capitalist dog! your kind will be crushed under the bootheel of our furious retribution! we shall rape your wives & feast on the sweet innards of your unborn babies! only when your very souls have been cast into the depths of hell will we reward ourselves by watching rerun episodes of magnum, p.i.

when we take your mothers into our beds for vicious penetration and blood-curdling savagery, then you will lament the error of your ways. but we will not hear your cries of torment over the cacophonous peals of our own laughter, mocking the tragic plight of your people, laying chopped & disemboweled on the gore-covered streets. also we'll have the music turned up really loud.

writing, text file, italian

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