May 25, 2011 22:52
Sometimes i do wonder about 'healthy eating'. Friends who eat nothing but junkfood and don't put on an ounce of weight, don't have any health problems...and then there's me who eats quite healthily and is overweight and unwell. Meh.
Usually after eating my evening meal my stomach swells up like a balloon and i look like i'm pregnant. Tonight i ate a whole pizza for dinner (wheat+grease+dairy - surely should blow my stomach up?!), and my stomach is fine. Flat and settled. Simon too (his stomach is as temperamental as mine). Weird.
Another thing i don't get is when you read a review of a diet the person always says "i've got so much more energy!", and it's like... how?! I've never understood that. Unless you're going from eating massive amounts of food that makes you sluggish and doing no exercise to eating properly then i guess it would. But my experience has always been the opposite (the only exception being the 'anorexic high' you get early on in a restrictive period...but that's different).
Idk. Sometimes i do wonder why i bother.
I got some relaxation CDs in the post from the ME team. I used my first one today - "A Tropical Beach". *Snort*. I'm supposed to be replacing my day-sleeping with relaxation. So i gave it a go. I've never been very good with relaxation, especially when it comes to visualisation. There's a voice in my head that's sarcastic and critical that just gets in the way. So when the annoying-voiced woman was going "you're walking across the beach and can feel the warm sand between your toes...the sand is studded with beautiful seashells..." my brain is going "ah crap, i'm going to stand on one and it's going to hurt!". Silly brain.
And then the bloody CD relaxed me so much that i couldn't get myself going afterwards and ended up falling asleep anyway!