I saw The King's Speech this weekend. It really didn't look interesting but everyone has said it's good so we tried it anyway, and it was brilliant.
I read
Why is it wrong to protect gay children? yesterday. It's a very good article. It made me so angry and so sad, but also glad that there's people addressing this issue. The concept that children having knowledge about homosexuality makes them become gay by 'giving them ideas' is ludicrous, i just can't get my head around how stupid that idea is.
When i was in my late teens one of my best friends came out as gay. He fared quite well (being quite a confident and charismatic person), but his first serious boyfriend (who was 16 at the time) didn't. He was bullied so severely that he took to self-harming and when he split up with my friend he went out with a girl to 'prove' he was "normal" (he later told us that he felt terrible for doing this because he felt nothing for her, but could think of no other option at the time).
At Rainbows we have a girl who is 'difficult'. She doesn't do as she's told, she acts out to draw attention to herself, and when an Owl steps in to deal with her she throws a sulk. Last night her dad arrived to collect her (it's always him who comes), and he was SO drunk. He was slurring and you could smell the alcohol from him from metres away. We've had trouble with him because he continually makes up excuses for not paying subs (he has never paid up, and she's been a Rainbow for ages). I wonder if her difficult behaviour is to do with him? I'm worried for her; someone as drunk as he was can NOT care for a 5-year-old.
Trix & Simon's dad napping :)