The words are as following:
Ribd - Ribbed Condoms
Ben - Ben Affleck, worst swear ever
Cuntjiz - Self Explanatory
Dime - Dime Bag
Dew - Moisture makes dew....Come on think about it
Do - DO IT
Oz - .....haha The wizard
Dix - ummm
Sex - Are you stupid
Woh - I need more pizza
Wart - Genital Warts
Shat - Close to Shit
Tit - Show 'em
Tear - Some times it hurts
Dry - Get the Lube
WetVag - Ummm well Yeah
Ah - Not Done Yet.....
Gels - Makes it more fun
Skank - Ex girlfriend
Bonk - hehe
Nipple - I have four
Rape - Can't do it to the willing
AA - Someday we should get every Irishman there
Cmen - What a mess
Kort - If you rape them, they will cum
Toys - You know you have them
Feely - Grabby Abby
Loose - Wish it was tighter
Fin - Everything must end
Purr - Right Anna
Pig - John doesn't like them
Raul - Dirty Mexican
Vag - Tim's is detatchable, but it has Clamydia and The HIV
In - "Time for a little vacation...."
He - HeMan!!
FagInU - HAHA Fag in You... it was funny at the time.
RvNQueef - Rv 'N Queef. The funniest word Ever!
Dirty Scrabble Rocks!!
And I can't forget the Sharpie Tattoos...
And now for Christ Amazing
We played more board games then I have ever played in my life.
Good Times!