Do you have the time to listen to me whine?

Jan 15, 2009 10:39

Ricardo Montalban is dead. KHAAAAAN!

The Zipper Factory AND The Cutting Room both closed yesterday. Oy.

I think the cat is pooping in the bathtub instead of his litter box. Ew.

Was at Tony's, scanning, and his voiceover gig ran overtime and he had to run straight to the theater, so he said to just hang out till after the show and he'd take me to The Ritz to see the Wednesday night Bear show he loves.

So watched TV- I, Robot, for the first time, which, I agree with someone on TV Tropes, that if it had not pretended to be an Asimov story, it would have been a just fine robot thriller movie. Apparently, like the movie of Starship Troopers, it began its gestation as an unrelated screenplay (called Hardwired) that someone somewhere along the line said, "Hey, you know this is very similar to these, I don't know if you've heard of them, books that exist; rather than thinking you plagiarized, why don't you just buy the rights and incorporate some of the book's elements into it?"
So Dr. Susan Calvin is now a Hot Young Sidekick who gets a gratuitous shower scene. *Shudder*

Then the "shrinkage" episode of Seinfeld, then since Fox was on, I watched about a half an hour of American Idol. After a cute bear cub was justly trashed for his horrible singing, I changed the channel and found Adam and Steve on Logo. I'd read the novelization a few years ago (It was free or something, I think), but never got around to actually watching the movie. Quite enjoyed it- more than the book, anyway- a lot of Craig Chester's work, in my experience, plays better than it reads. Comic timing is necessary. Kind of have a crush on CC, now.
And Julie Hagerty cameos never hurt. And oh, Malcolm Gets gets naked...
Several of the scenes are set in Marie's Crisis (Parker Posey's character is a waitress there who used to be incredibly fat), and though they use actual exterior shots, it's clearly a set for the interiors. Looks much fancier than the real Marie's, though the piano covered in red formica is pretty accurate.

Met Tony at DTM lounge after his show, and we headed over to The Ritz for Lounge Lizard with Blake Evan Sherman - Tony's been loving the show, which is every Wednesday and starts sometime between 11 and Midnight. Blake is an adorable bear who hosts it, and it's a sort of talk show. Last night the guest performer was a drag thing named T. Boy. Drag was more of a "I'm a boy who wears women's clothes! I'm like David Bowie!" rather than actual female impersonation. sHe did some boring lipsync, then actually sang a song of hIr own, called "Lick My Boots", which was amusing. Not only have I seen better drag, I've been better drag. sHe's apparently part of the House of Acid, and Acid Betty was in the audience, too.
Blake sang a bunch of karaoke for us- "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and "Basket Case" were both pretty good.
I was not terribly impressed with the show, but Tony (and his friend Bill, who was there) said it was a weird off-night.

Crashed at Tony's, where I discovered the next morning that his couch has bedbugs. Tony had complained of mosquito bites the other day, and I woke up stinging at 7, and captured one of the pestilent scourges. Tony was of course mortified, but I consoled him that even Maya Rudolph had bedbugs, they're all over the city. Gave him some tips from my own experiences (sleep with the lights on!).

Ben Beckley E-mailed me to ask if he could borrow a ukulele to practice on - he'll be playing one in Theatre is Dead and So Are You. I said sure- will probably hand it off to him sometime today.

Going to see 10 Blocks on the Camino Real tonight with Alan. I understand The Baron (the role I played in Art House's production) is still a character in this earlier version of the play.

hotties, art house, the ritz, television, bedbugs, tropes, gay, books, movies, ukulele, dtm lounge, tonyc, camino real, cute jews, celebrities

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