Just got an E-mail from Dave Z- my one-act Patrick and Lisa's Wedding is going to be in the Hudson County One-Acts Festival at DeBaun in September! Directed by
ceebeegee!! AWESOME!!!
I'd known for a while that they'd probably do one of my plays, but I didn't know which one (
ceebeegee was hoping for The Fugly Train because it's shorter and easier and she's very busy).
Yay, other people doing my plays! ...and I'm getting paid!
Hey yo,
defy_gravity99: are you aware of the
JRB Karaoke Contest?
I think I might download them and do a remix (not for the contest, of course, just for funz).
Before the show yesterday, I ran into a woman from one of the other shows, in the green room- she trained me at one of my temp jobs, and I'd actually mentioned the MITF to her at the time- now she's in one of the shows!
Our penultimate
Prince Trevor show was awesomesauce! Aside from some bizarre line weirdness here and there and the elephant trunks not working, I think it was our best show.
Afterward Crefeld said, "Wow, you know how you kept saying 'Go faster and it'll be funnier?'; now I know what you mean!".
Show did have a great rhythm to it.
Audience was awesome, and included
namfle, Lisa and Eriel (I've forgotten their LJ names because they never post), Tony & his friend Bill, Franca, Bronwen (who showed up 5 minutes after the show was to have started), Kathleen, Roger, and more! (and Erin and Billy and Bill and Rachel)
Everyone seemed to like it.
There was a little drinking afterward - ran into some of the Bubby's Shadow cast outside, and they invited us to come drink with them at "Circus"- I suggested "The Zipper" since it's around the corner and inexpensive. (I turned to Chris, "Hey, are you down with The Zipper?"- he thought that was hilarious and did an amusing fake-jokeboat). But The Zipper was closed (ha!) when we got there, so we all started to trudge to Circus, but we were all tired, and somehow we ended up stopping at that Tapas place by Port Authority, which was nearly empty, so we took it over. It also had no air conditioning and a bug skittered across my hand as I sat down at a table; half the people wanted to leave (especially Andrew, who was sulking because his show had a bad night), and half didn't want to go anyplace else. Got Andrew out of his sulk by getting him to the jukebox with me to choose music, and it ended up being an okay but short evening. Left a little after 12 and was home by one.
Gonna relax and take it easy tonight- might go see a MITF show if there's anything interesting on- might just go home and unpack stuff.