I have to say, Storage Deluxe is very cagy with their info. I woke up super-early today to get there, and then it turns out I can't actually get a truck to come to my house till 48 hours after I sign the papers. I'm taking the day off on Tuesday to get this shit done. Anyone who might have the day off on Tuesday is welcome to help me move.
On the bright side, this gives me the chance to get other stuff done today, like typing up my review of 37 Stones (which I wrote in longhand on the way to DC- it's frankly startling how much my handwriting legibility has decreased in recent years. Mom always said I should have been a doctor, but this is ridiculous).
Before 37 Stones, I stopped off at the Borders in the Time Warner center, just to kill time, and discovered in their clearance center an Asylum Street Spankers CD, a Pipettes CD, and Mirrormask. All that was only $15. Wooo!
Just missed Tony there- he texted me that there was a hot bear named Chip in the Aveda store, and if I was near there any time soon, I should go check him out. Coincidentally, I actually was there (Tony was already on his way down to the theatre, so I missed him). Chip was cute, indeed.
After seeing 37 Stones (yay hot naked guy!), I met up with Tony at "Sangria", and we had mango sangria and tapas.
Came home, crashed, got up early to catch a bus. Chinatown bus folks are nutty- they're really pushy and will try to get you on their bus to DC, even if you already have tickets for another one. Finally one of them pointed us in the right direction while shoving an ad for her bus company into my pocket. NUTS, I tells ya.
carasol and I were safely ensconced on the bus, we relaxed a bit. We spent the 4 hour ride (no stops) talking, sleeping, and writing. We arrived in DC's Chinatown and met Rob, the younger brother of one of
carasol's college friends, who'd agreed to drive us to Arlington for the show (he was getting the third comp). Nice boy, but terribly 24 and from Utah. We got a little lost, but made it to the theatre on time for the show. I managed to gulp down most of an antipasto platter at the bar so I wouldn't die from hunger.
Show was a really great production of a play I'm lukewarm about. I love all the Spiderwoman/Aurora numbers, but I don't feel most of the rest of the music is dramatic enough to contrast. I also get annoyed with the Faggot Martyr trope, even when it's as well written as the show is. Will Chase is awesome. Hunter Foster is trying so hard to be gay, and almost makes it. Natascia Diaz was wonderful and gorgeous. Ensemble boys were super-hot, especially Danny Binstock and Stephen Gregory Smith.
carasol said hi to Will and Natascia afterward, bringing us along to bathe in their glory. I said hello to La Binstock, who was amused I'd seen him in The Last Starfighter.
We went to the nearby Johnny Rockets for a much-needed lunch, and had a lively debate about whether Valentin is actually in love with Molina by the end of the play, or if he simply uses their bromance to manipulate Molina. Straight boy was on the side of Love Is Everything, and I was more cynical.
carasol thinks it's a mixture of the two.
Got back to the bus at 8, after some drinks with Rob (who is an actor himself- in college he played
Stanley Kowalski:
). He offered to drive up sometime to be in a reading if I needed a guy of his type.
Bus ride back was more annoying than going- more stops all the time (including an incident in Philly where a chick, unauthorized, got off the bus to pee and her boyfriend held the bus so she could get back, despite the driver screaming at him). At one point a crying baby, who was irritating. Fortunately, brought my headphones, but still- piercing. Lucky for
carasol they made an extra stop at the 1 train, so she got home easier.
Was home by 1am. Not too bad, but I'm exhausted. Gonna go finish making my trifle now (since the party is a hippie theme, I'm food coloring the pudding for a tye-dye effect. Hope it's not gross-looking), then going back to bed.