Where the Wild Things Are movie sneak peek photos. I had no idea this was being made into a movie. Pictures look neat.
And a little horror:
Britney Spears Offered London Stage Role As 'Aging Blanche DuBois'. The real question is who will play Stanley in such a show.
Poll Get me a lemon coke, honey Ricardo Cordero sent an e-mail to Gloryslist, asking for synopses of plays to be made into short films. I sent him Patrick and Lisa's Wedding (which he saw and enjoyed in the 12 Angriest Women show), and Hate Myself in the Morning. He said he'd put my suggestions on the top of the pile when they meet with the producers next week.
Playwrights group was nice. Read the first scene from Cunning to Be Strange, which needs some serious work, but I feel good about it. I'm still in the "Shakespeare Parody" mode, when I want to be writing a serious verse play. I had very allegorical names, but I think I'm going to change them to more realistic people's names and places- or at least as realistic as Shakespeare got.
Ken read a scene from his piece, which had a very funny character, and was really good. Gave him the book about Second Life I got from Work Swag.
Elana's play Spinning is getting a production down in Atlanta in June.
Stopped off at Marie's for a while; it was that transgender dude's birthday- I haven't seen him in ages, he and his girlfriend used to come into Marie's all the time. He's looking much more realistic now. Did lots of Little Shop on Adam's shift- Adam Shapiro (who has already lost the beard) and I did a pretty good version of "(Feed Me) Git It".
I impressed myself by attempting (and getting through) the opening Little Shop narration from memory.
Kyle came in and sat with me- he asked what the response to the Suckers reading had been like- he'd had to leave before the feedback. He said he really liked the play a lot, and was thrilled to be included.
Last week, Jim Allen was telling Kyle that he'd run into one of Kyle's friends at the ATM... someone he'd brought in one night, maybe her name was Suzie... Jim Allen couldn't really remember. Turns out it was Susan from
[title of show], with whom Kyle works at his day job; he'd brought her in to Marie's a couple of weeks ago.
Now that [tos] is coming to Broadway (yay!), Jim Allen says he'll finally learn more of the music. Maybe I should pick him up
some sheet music. Oh man, I want to belt out some "Part of it All" at Marie's.
David Auxier was there, and I told him about running into the girl from Hector's show bartending last night.
Cute Andy is going back to Chicago for the foreseeable future. When Jim Allen announced it, Kyle and I thought for a moment he meant Irritating Andrew, and we breathed a sigh of relief we didn't know we'd been holding in.
This one straight guy came in and he and I kept making all these Catskills-style jokes - in unison. It was scary, our timing.